Contents EEF Archives September-December 1998

September 1998
1. Eclipses and New Moons: do eclipses appear in Egyptian records?, and resources for determining eclipses and new moons in Antiquity.
2. Alexandrian Calendar: when was it introduced and how was it intercalated.
3. Tell el-Heir:: literature on ancient Migdol.
4. Travelling in AE: about travel speeds and Delta roads.
5. Territory of Egypt: what was regarded Egypt proper and what were the borders?
6. Dendera Obelisks: literature on obelisks.
7. Thutmose III and sons: family relations in the 18th dynasty, and dyn. 18 mummies.
8. Term for Religious Participants: what was the term for common believers?
9. Reamashesha: how was the name Ramses pronounced and what was its nickname?
10. Parfumes: parfumes in the ancient world.
11. 'Deification' of high officials: cases of high officials compairing themselves with gods.
12. Miscellaneous: about Bast, oaths, prospecting, Karara, Dendera, papyri, and some other (largely unanswered) questions and unsettled matters.
13. EEF NEWS: issues 16 to 18
14. Administrativa: announcements by the moderator, by members (personals or offtopics), by authors and publishers (new books), by institutions (jobs, lectures, etc.).

October 1998
1. Senenmut and Astronomy: about the astronomical ceiling of Senenmut's tomb and about modern astronomical software.
2. Camels in Egypt: when did camels come into use in the Nile Valley?
3. Hieroglyphs for minerals: the AE names of several minerals and stones, and of the Osiris corn mummy and Osiris´ bed.
4. Faith, Healing and Politics: the role of religion in AE medicine, and the interactions between AE religion and politics.
5. Concubine Plaques: nude female statuettes in tombs - concubines for the dead or symbols of fertility and rebirth?
6. Holy animals: holy animals of Osiris, bats in AE thought [see also Nov.()], and panther skins (Tut's coronation dress)
7. Burnt Offerings and Offering formulas: about burnt offerings in AE and literature about offering formulas
8. Gazeteers and Satelite Photos: co-ordinates for AE towns and NASA pics of Egypt.
9. Tomb of Amenhotep I: where was the burrial site of this king?
10. Heraldic Plants: to what species did the heraldic plant of Upper Egypt belong?
11. Teamwork: EEF Members introducing themselves to encourage interdisciplinary teamwork.
12. Miscellaneous: about Pyramid Texts, lineal priesthood, Aramaic Manetho, and some other (largely unanswered) questions and unsettled matters.
13. EEF NEWS: issues 19 to 22.
14. Administrativa: announcements by the moderator, by members (personals or offtopics), by authors and publishers (new books), by institutions (jobs, lectures, etc.).

November 1998
1. Souls and Spirits: about the meaning of the terms _sxm_, _s'H_, _b3_, _k3_, _3x_ and _mwt_.
2. Faience lecture: report on a Faience symposium and debate on the subject. [see also May(4)]
3. Budge and Champollion: biographical references for these two Egyptologists.
4. Foreigners in AE: depictions of foreigners in Egyptian art, and about the 'Pacified' Nubians.
5. AE in fiction: literature list of (mystery) fiction on ancient Egypt.
6. Children's websites: egyptological websites specially suited for school childeren.
7. Hermopolis Five and Heliopolis Five: about Canaanite goddesses and Five Great Gods from Hermopolis in magical texts, about the Ogdoad of Hermopolis and about the Five Gods from Heliopolis of the epagomenal days and in Plutarch, and about Osiris, Horus & Seth.
8. Yahu and Haunebu: literature and debate on the toponyms _t3-S3sw-yhw3_ and _H3w-nbwt_.
9. Turtles: literature concerning turtles on magical ivories (apotropaia).
10.Delta excavations: literature on excavations in the Delta, with a report of a lecture by Greg Mumford about work in Mendes.
11.Amarna lectures: reports of two lectures by Geoffrey Martin (on El Amarna) and William Murnane (on Amarna religion), plus related debate on Aton priesthood and on the identity of Smenkhkare (what about the body/coffin/Gold Foil in KV55?; was Smenkhkare Nefertiti?).
12.Dyn.2 theories: the kings' list of Dynasty 2 and the possible political conflicts in the time of Horus Sekhemib, Seth Peribsen and Khasekhem(wy), and whether these conflicts are mirrored in the Fight between Horus and Seth.
13.The Unification: the Unification of AE, and the founding and location of the oldest Memphis.
14.Miscellaneous: about Jaffa, Bahr Yusuf, sea ships on the Nile, Manchester stelae, Gebel Barka stela, heart scarabs, more about bats [see also Sept.(6)], Atlantis & Egypt, OK Coffin Texts, wooden stelae, and some other (largely unanswered) questions and (unsettled) matters.
15.EEF NEWS: issues 23 to 26.
16.Administrativa: announcements by the moderator, by members (personals or offtopics), by authors and publishers (new books), by institutions (jobs, lectures, etc.).

December 1998
1. Sened & Weneg: what is known about these 2nd Dynasty kings?
2. ARCE/NC lectures: reports of two ARCE/NC lectures by Dr. Spallinger (on the Battle of Kadesh) and by Dr. Strudwick (on Tomb of Senneferi, TT99).
3. Dahshur tomb: Japanese dicoveries at Dhashur (the tomb of Mes).
4. CD-ROMs: Cd-Roms dealing with ancient Egypt.
5. Tell Qedwa + Qurnawi: excavations and research at these sites.
6. Earliest writing: the dicoveries of Gunter Dreyer at Abydos, in the tomb of Scorpion I (and about the name of that king).
7. Solar baboons: the baboons which greet the sun in the tomb of Tutankhamon.
8. Satirical scrolls: political satire on papyri and other material.
9. C14 dating: radiocarbon dating and Egypt.
10. Canopus Decree: the famous decree of the time of Ptolemy III.
11. Tawosret: some thoughts about this queen.
12. Corn mummies: depictions of, and literature about, these objects.
13.Miscellaneous: the Egypt Tourism Authority & copyrights, the pyramid on the dollar bill, Westendorf revisited [cf. April98 (15)], free will & determinism in AE, eclipses revisited [cf. Sept98 (1)], NK pair statues, Tanis, old archival stills/film of digs in Egypt, and some other (largely unanswered) questions and unsettled matters.
14.EEF NEWS: issues 27 to 30.
15.Administrativa: announcements by the moderator, by members (personals or offtopics), by authors and publishers (new books), and by institutions (jobs, lectures, etc.).

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