If you would like to subscribe to the Egyptologists' Electronic Forum (EEF), please submit your personalia in the body of an e-mail message (with SUBSCRIBE in the subject header) and send it to: A.K. Eyma (the forum's administrator/moderator).

Please put your personalia in the following format:

e-mail address
Last Name, Ms/Mr, First Name and initials
Egyptological (or other relevant) degrees/affiliations

Graham, Mr. Geoffrey
M.Phil. in Egyptology, Yale University, 1999
Munchkin, Ms. Mary
interested amateur, member of ARCE/NT
Ernalin Mr. John T.
PhD, Near Eastern Archaeology, U. Chicago, 1960
Prof., Department of Near Eastern Archaeology, ABC College

Please note:

* The information you supply in your application may be made available to other EEF members upon request.
In the name line, a gender marker (Ms/Mr) is requested rather than a title. You may add titles after Mr/Ms, or put them in the credentials line.
Submitting info about degrees and institutional affiliations is strictly voluntary.
The use of aliases and pseudonyms is not permitted on EEF, so posts to the forum need to be signed with a real full name.

* Professional and/or academic credentials are not required for membership in the EEF mailing list; if you are interested in learning all you can about Ancient Egypt and its culture, that is an excellent credential in itself. Also actual participation on the forum does not require such credentials; however inquiries should not be too broad or basic, and participation in discussions is expected to be at a scholarly and more advanced level.

* You should start receiving forum mail within a few days, which constitutes the confirmation of your subscription. If you do not get any mail within a week, feel free to contact the moderator (please do not presume membership has been refused!).

* There is no fee for subscribing to EEF.

* By sending in your application, you indicate that you have read the latest version of the EEF Charter and that you agree to adhere to the forum's rules as set out in that document.
EEF is a moderated discussion forum and allows only topics that deal with mainstream Egyptology.

* You will be put on the normal mailing list, unless you specify on your application that you prefer to receive posts in a bundled form, as a Weekly Digest (meaning you get EEF NEWS on Thursdays and EEF Digest on Sundays). You may always change such settings at a later date.

* For address changes, moving to digests, or unsubscribing, please contact the moderator.
For more information about the running of the forum, see the Home Notes.

* Some email servers may cause problems in relation to mailing lists (bouncing back mail which may lead to automatic unsubscription, treating mail as spam at server level, etc.). There is never a week without mail, so do not hesitate to contact the moderator if you are not receiving any mail (notably the Newsletter on Thursday).

Thank you for your interest in joining the EEF mailing list.

EEF's web domain: