Egyptological Societies and Institutes
Compiled for the Egyptologists' Electronic Forum (EEF).
version June 15, 2023
Please send any additions and corrections to A.K. Eyma
Appart from supplying website links or e-mail addresses of societies, institutes and university departments
dedicated to Egyptology, the current page also seeks to provide a search
facility for abbreviations of names of such organisations. Just use the Search button on your browser
and enter an acronym (name abbreviation without interpunction); note that the definite article
is sometimes officially part of the acronym (only in such cases the article is included in the name).
Museums are NOT included. For those, see Desheret's Online Museum Guide
(overview of museums worldwide containing Egyptian objects) and Trismegistos Collections (survey of all collections where texts in TM are preserved).
For now, the page has more or less the same (non-alphabetical) geographical setup as EEF NEWS:
USA, Canada, UK, The Netherlands,
Germany, South Africa, Egypt, Italy,
France, Greece, Belgium,
Spain, Australia, ...,
Switzerland, Uruguay, Argentina,
Mexico, Japan, China,
Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia,
Brazil, New Zealand, Taiwan,
Finland, Bulgaria, Poland,
Ireland, Armenia, Croatia, Austria.
Sweden, Norway, Denmark
- Association Internationale de Papyrologues - AIP website
- Association Internationale pour l'Étude du Droit de l'Égypte Ancienne - AIDEA website
- Association for Students of Egyptology - ASE website
- Current Research in Egyptology - CRE website
- Egyptian Cultural Heritage Organisation - ECHO website
- Harpokrates: International Association of Younger Egyptologists
- International Association for Coptic Studies - IACS website
- International Association of Egyptologists - IAE website
- International Congress of Young Egyptologists - ICYE website
- International Society for the Study of Egyptomania - ISSE
- Verband für Ägyptologie - VÄ website
United States of America
- American Center for Oriental Research - ACOR website
- American Sudanese Archaeological Research Center - AmSARC website
- American Oriental Society - AOS website
- American Philological Association - APA website
- American Research Center in Egypt - ARCE website
- American Schools of Oriental Research - ASOR website
- American Society of Papyrologists - ASP website
- Ancient Egypt Research Associates - AERA website
- Archaeological Institute of America - AIA website
- Biblical Archaeology Society of New York - BASNY website
- Bryn Mawr College Egyptology Association - BMCEA website
- Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, College of the Liberal Arts, Penn State - CAMS website
- Department of Egyptology and Assyriology, Brown University - Brown U. website (PhD Egyptology - website)
- Department of Middle East Studies, University of Michigan - U. Michigan website (PhD Egyptology - website)
- Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University - NELC, Harvard U. website (PhD Egyptology - website)
- Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Yale University - NELC, Yale U. website (PhD Egyptology - website)
- Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, University of California Los Angeles - NELC, UCLA website (PhD Egyptology - website)
- Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago - NELC, U. Chicago website (PhD Egyptology - website)
- Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, Indiana University, Bloomington - Indiana U. Egyptology website
- Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, University of Pennsylvania - NELC, U. Penn website (PhD Egyptology - website)
- Department of Near Eastern Studies, Johns Hopkins University - NES, JHU website (PhD Egyptology - website)
- Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of California Berkeley - NES, UC Berkeley (PhD Egyptology - website)
- Egyptological Seminar of New York - ESNY website
- Institute of Egyptian Art & Archaeology, University of Memphis - IEAA, U. Memphis website (MA Egyptology - URL)
- Institute of Fine Arts, New York University - IFA NYU website
- Institute of History, Archaeology, and Education (New York) - IHARE website
- Instiute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University - ISAW, NYU website
- Oriental Institute, University of Chicago - website
- Polish Egyptological Society in America / Polskie Towarzystwo Egiptologiczne w Ameryce - PESiA website
- Society of Biblical Literature - SBL website
- Survey and Excavation Projects in Egypt (University of Alabama) - SEPE website
- University of Arizona, Egyptian Expedition - website
- Wilbour Library of Egyptology, Brooklyn Museum - website, email address (Mary Gow, Assistant Librarian)
- Yale Egyptological Institute in Egypt - YEIE website
- L'Association des études du Proche-Orient ancien / The Society for Near Eastern Studies (SNES) - AEPOA / SNES website
- Bureau Egyptien des Affaires Culturelles et de l'Education, Montreal - website
- The Canadian Institute in Egypt / L'Institut Canadien en Égypte - website
- Department of Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies, University of British Columbia - CNERS, UBC website
- Département d'histoire, Université du Quebec à Montréal - UQAM Egyptology website
- Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto - NMC, U. Toronto website
- Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations Graduate Students' Association, University of Toronto - NMCGSA website
- Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities / Société pour l'Étude de l'Égypte Ancienne - SSEA / SEEA website
United Kingdom
- Archaeological Institute of America, Worcester Society - website
- Ancient Egypt and Middle East Society - AEMES
- Association of Curators for Collections from Egypt and Sudan - ACCES website
- Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East - ASTENE website
- Bolton Archaeology and Egyptology Society - BAES website
- British Association for Near Eastern Archaeology - BANEA
- British Museum Friends - website
- Carlisle and District Egyptology Society - email
- Centre for Egyptology and Mediterranean Archaeology, Swansea University - CEMA website
- Chesterfield Egyptology Society - CHES website
- Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Bristol - URL
- East Kent Egyptology Society / ANKH - ANKH website
- Egypt Exploration Society - EES website
- Egypt Society of Bristol - ESB website
- Egyptian Society Taunton - website
- Essex Egyptology Group - EEG website
- Friends of the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology - website
- Friends of Nekhen (Hierakonpolis Expedition) - website
- Friends of The Oriental Museum, University of Durham - website
- Gurob Harem Palace Project (Members) - website
- Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford - website
- Horus Egyptology Society - website
- Leicester Ancient Egypt Society - LAES website
- London Centre for the Ancient Near East - LCANE website
- Manchester Ancient Egypt Society - MAES website
- Nemes (North East Manchester Egyptology Society) - NEMES website
- Newton Institute, University of Cambridge - website
- Northampton Ancient Egyptian Historical Society
- North East Ancient Egypt Society - NEAESOC website
- North East Lincolnshire Egyptology Association - NELEA website
- North Kent Egyptology Society / RAMASES
- North Yorkshire Ancient Egypt Group - NYAEG
- Plymouth and District Egyptology Society
- Poynton Egypt Group - website
- School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, University of Liverpool - SACE website
- Society for Interdisciplinary Studies - SIS website
- Society for the Study of Ancient Egypt - SSAE website
- Southampton Ancient Egypt Society - SAES website
- South Asasif Conservation Trust - website
- Staffordshire Egyptology Society - SES website
- Sudan Archaeological Research Society - SARS website
- Sussex College of Ancient and Classical Archaeology / Sussex College of Egyptology - SCACA website
- Sussex Egyptology Society - SES website
- Sutton Ancient Egypt Society
- Tameside Egypt Group - TEG website
- Thames Valley Ancient Egypt Group - TVAES website
- The Ancient World Society - TAWS
- The Blackburn Egyptology Society / THEBES - THEBES website
- The Kemet Klub (Bristol) – email address
- Three Counties Ancient History Society - 3CAHS website
- Valley of the Kings Foundation / Amarna Royal Tombs Project - VOKF/ARTP website
- Wessex Ancient Egypt Society - WAES website
- West Midlands Egyptology Society - WMES website
- Wirral Ancient Egypt Society - WAES website
- Egyptology Scotland - website
- Classics, Ancient History and Egyptology; Department of History, Heritage, and Classics; Swansea University - Swansea University Egyptology website
- Egypt Centre, Wales - ECW website
- Friends of the Egypt Centre, Wales - website
For details about the listed British societies without Net presence, see the British Egyptology Society (BES) directory.
The Netherlands (Holland)
- Berenike Foundation - website
- Ex Oriente Lux (Dutch branch) - EOL website
- Friends of Kush - email info
- Het Huis van Horus - Egyptologie Academie Nederland (The House of Horus - Dutch Academy of Egyptology) - website
- Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (Netherlands Institute for the Near East) - NINO website
- Nederlands-Vlaams Instituut in Cairo - NVIC website
- Opleiding Egyptische taal en cultuur, Onderwijsinstituut Talen en Culturen van het Midden Oosten (TCMO), Faculteit der Letteren, Universiteit Leiden
(The international MA and MPhil programmes in Egyptian Language and Culture of the University of Leiden) - website
- School of Middle Eastern Studies (SMES), of the Institute for Area Studies (LIAS), of Leiden University - SMES website
- Ägyptisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft Nord e.V. - ADGN email address
- Ägyptologie, Institut für Altertumswissenschaften, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz - website, email
- Ägyptologische Forschungsstätte für Kulturwissenschaft, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg - ÄFKW website
- Ägyptologisches Institut Heidelberg, University of Heidelberg - website
- Ägyptologisches Institut and Aegyptisches Museum of the University of Leipzig - website, URL, website
- Ägyptologisches Institut Tübingen - website
- Ägyptologisches Seminar, Freie Universität Berlin - website
- Ägyptologie, Philipps-Universität Marburg - website
- Ägyptologie-Forum Würzburg e.V., Institut für Ägyptologie der Universität Würzburg - website
- Ägypten-Forum-Berlin e.V. - AeFoBe website
- Archäologisches Institut, Arbeitsbereich V (Ägyptologie), University of Hamburg - website
- Collegium Aegyptium e.V./Foerderkreis des Instituts fuer Aegyptologie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen e.V. - website, email address
- Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Kairo (German Archaeological Institute, Cairo) - DAIK website (German),
idem. (English), idem (Arabic)
- Förderverein für Ägyptologie und Koptische Studien e.V. (was: Marburger Förderverein Ägyptologie e.V.) - website
- Forum Aegyptologie an der Universitatet Hamburg e.V. - email address
- Freundeskreis Ägyptologie an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz e. V. - website
- Hobby Ägyptologische Gemeinschaft in Bremervörde - HAGIB website
- Institut für Ägyptologie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - website
- Institut für Ägyptologie der Universität Würzburg - website
- Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster - IÄK website
- Neferhotep e.V - website
- Seminar für Ägyptologie & Koptologie, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - website
- Seminar für Ägyptologie der Universität zu Köln - website
- Seminar für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte Nordostafrikas, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Department of Northeast African Archaeology and Cultural Studies, Humboldt University (Berlin)) - AKNOA website
- Sudanarchaeologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V. - SAG website, SAG website
- Uschebti e.V. (Der Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Seminars für Ägyptologie
der Universität Köln) - website
- Verband für Ägyptologie - VÄ website
- Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Bonner Sammlung von Aegyptiaca - website, website
For a more complete overview of Egyptological institutes and university departments in the German language area (Germany,
Switzerland, Austria), see Das Informationsblatt der deutschsprachigen Ägyptologie.
South Africa
The Egyptian Society of South Africa - TESSA website
- Department of Ancient Studies, Stellenbosch University - website
- American Research Center in Egypt, Cairo Branch - ARCE website
- Centre d'Etudes Alexandrines - CEAlex website
- Centre franco-égyptien d'étude des temples de Karnak - CFEETK website
- Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Kairo (German Archaeological Institute, Cairo) - DAIK website (German),
idem. (English), idem (Arabic)
- Egypt Exploration Society, Cairo Office - EES website, EES Cairo email address
- Egyptian Antiquities Information System - EAIS website
- Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire (French Institute, Cairo) - IFAO website
- Institute of Nautical Archaeology, Egypt - website
- Italian Cultural Institute, Cairo - IIC website
- Japan Egyptology Society in Cairo - email address
- Luxor Egyptology Society - website
- Nederlands-Vlaams Instituut in Cairo (Dutch-Flemish Institute in Cairo) - NVIC website
- Russian Institute of Egyptology, Cairo - RIEC website (on the Gnosarch site)
- Supreme Council of Antiquities, Egypt - SCA website
- Yale Egyptological Institute in Egypt - YEIE website
- Department of Sociology, Egyptology, and Anthropology, American University in Cairo - SEA, AUC (PhD Egyptology - )
- Associazione degli Amici Collaboratori del Museo Egizio - ACME website
- Gruppo Egittologico Khentyimentyu - email
- Associazone Napoletana di Studi Egittologici - ANSE website
- Centro di Egittologia Francesco Ballerini - CEFB website
- Centro Italiano Studi Egittologici, Imola (Bologna) - CISE website
- Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere (CFS), Università di Pisa (UNIPI) - website (MA Program Ancient Egypt and Western Asia - website)
- Egittologia dell’Università di Pisa - website
- Dipartimento di Storia, Archeologia, Geografia, Arte e Spettacolo (SAGAS), Università degli Studi di Firenze (UNIFI) - website
- Egittologia dell’Università di Firenze - website
- Dipartimento di Studi Storici, Università degli studi di Torino (UNITO) - website (Egittologia - website)
- Istituto Italiano per la Civiltà Egizia - IICE website
- Association Dauphinoise d'Egyptologie CHAMPOLLION - ADEC website
- Association de Sauvegarde du Ramesseum - ASR website
- Association Égyptologique de Gironde - website
- Association France-Egypte - email address
- Association Francophone de Coptologie - email address
- Association Internationale pour l'Etude du Droit de l'Egypte Ancienne - AIDEA website
- Association Montpelliéraine d'égyptologie 'Néfrou'- website
- Association Provence Égyptologie - website
- Association Rennes Egyptologie - email address
- Association Thot [association égyptologique travaillant en Lorraine (Nancy et Metz particulièrement)] - website
- Archéo-Nil, Société pour l'étude des cultures pré-pharaoniques de la Vallée du Nil - website
- Centre d'Etude et de Documentation sur l'Ancienne Egypte - CEDAE website
- Cercle Lyonnais d'Egyptologie Victor Loret - website
- Groupe de Recherche pour l'Archeologie au Levant - GREPAL website, GREPAL website
- Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire (French Institute, Cairo) - IFAO website
- Institut de Papyrologie de la Sorbonne Université de Paris IV - website
- Institut d'Egyptologie de Strasbourg - website
- Institut d'Egyptologie François Daumas, l'Université de Montpellier - website
- ISIS: Association Angevine et Nantaise d' Égyptologie - ISIS website
- Papyrus: Association Lilloise d'Égyptologie - Papyrus website
- Provence Égyptologie - website
- Rencontres Egyptologiques de Strasbourg - RES email address
- Société Française d'Égyptology - SFE website, SFE website, email address
A page dedicated to French Egyptology is Thot'Web; there you
may find info on local Egyptological societies and university departments & institutes in France.
- Aegean Egyptology (Egyptological Research Group of the Department of Mediterranean Studies of the University of the Aegean) - website
- Department of Mediterranean Studies of the University of the Aegean - website
- Hellênikê Etaireia Meletês Archaias Aigyptou / Hellenic Society for the Study of Ancient Egypt - EEMAA / HSSAE website
- Hellênikon Institouton Aigyptiologias / Hellenic Institute of Egyptology – EIA / HIEg website
- Afdeling Egyptologie aan de faculteit Letteren van de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U. Leuven) (Egyptology department of the University of Leuven) - website
- Association Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth - AERE website
- Comité der Belgische Opgravingen in Egypte / Comité des Fouilles Belges en Egypte - CBOE / CFBE website
- Egyptologica a.s.b.l. - website
- Egyptologica Vlaanderen VZW - website
- Egyptologisch Genootschap Koningin Elisabeth - EGKE
- Ex Oriente Lux (Belgian branch) - EOL website
- Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth (Brussels) - FERE
- Ptah-hotep a.s.b.l. - website
- Société Belge d'Études Orientales / Belgisch Genootschap voor Oosterse Studiën / Belgian Society for Oriental Studies - SBÉO / BGOS website
- Asociación Amigos de la Egiptología en Cantabria - AEC blog, AEC email
- Asociación Andaluza de Egiptología - ASADE website, idem
- Asociación Española de Egiptología - AEDE website, tel. and fax 34-91-5616320.
- Asociación Española de Orientalistas - AEO, tel. 34-91-3974112
- Asociacion Universitaria de Investigacion Egiptologica - AUIE email address
- Asociación Valenciana de Egiptología - AVDE website
- Centro Superior de Estudios de Asiriologia y Egiptologia, Departamento de Historia Antigua,
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid - website
- Institut del Pròxim Orient Antic - IPOA website
- Instituto de Estudios del Antiguo Egipto - IEAE website
- Instituto de Estudios Islámicos y del Oriente Próximo - IEIOP website
- Instituto Egipcio de Estudios Islámicos (Egyptian Institute of Islamic Studies, Cultural office of the Egyptian Embassy Madrid) - email address
- Instituto Valenciano de Egiptología - IVDE website
- Societat Catalana d'Egiptología (Barcelona) - SCE website
- Ancient Egypt Society of Western Australia - AESWA website, email address
- Ancient History Department, Macquarie University, Sydney - Macquarie Egyptology website
- Australian Center for Egyptology, Macquarie University - ACE website
- Centre for Ancient Cultures, Monash University, Melbourne - website
- Egyptology Society of Victoria - ESV (ESOV) website, ESOV email address
- Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation, University of Sydney - NEAF website
- Rundle Foundation for Egyptian Archaeology, Sydney - RFEA website
- University Students for Egyptological Research, Macquarie University - USER (U.S.E.R.) website
- Western Australian Museum Centre for Ancient Egyptian Studies - WAMCAES website
- Ägyptologie-Forum an der Universität Zürich - website, website
- Ägyptologisches Seminar der Universität Basel - website
- Basler Forum für Ägyptologie - website
- Fachverein der Ägyptologie des Orientalischen Seminars, Universität Zürich - FÄOS website
- Gnosarch Foundation, Basel, Switzerland - Gnosarch website, email address
- Orientalisches Seminar, Universität Zürich, Ägyptologische Abteilung - website
- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orientalische Altertumswissenschaft / Société suisse pour l'étude du Proche-Orient ancien / Swiss Society for Ancient Near Eastern Studies - SGOA/SSPOA/SSANES website
- Société d'Egyptologie de Genève (Geneva) - SEG email address
For a more complete overview of Egyptological institutes and university departments in the German language area (Germany,
Switzerland, Austria), see GERMANY above.
- Uruguayan Institute of Egyptology and Uruguayan Society of Egyptology - webpage
- Kansai University Society for Egyptology - website
- Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan (Nippon Oriento Gakkai) - SNESJ website
- Tokai University Research & Information Center - TRIC website
- Waseda University, Institute of Egyptology, Tokyo - website
- Association of Ancient Egypt Studies "MAAT" - website
- Center for Egyptological Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences - CESRAS website
- Databank of Eastern European Egyptology, Moscow - DEEE email address (via Sergej Ivanov)
- Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Institut Vostokovédenya Russ. Akad. Nauk - IVRAN
- Russian Institute of Egyptology, Cairo - RIEC website, RIEC email address (both
via Gnosarch)
Czech Republic
- Cesky egyptologicky ustav Filozoficke fakulty Univerzity Karlovy (Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University in Prague and Cairo) - CEgU UK website. CEgU UK
- Ceské národní egyptologické centrum, Univerzita Karlova, Praha / Czech National Centre of Egyptology, Charles University in Prague
- CNCE website
- Grupo de Estudos Egiptologicos - Maat (Studies Group in Egyptology - Maat; Federal Fluminse University) - GEE-MAAT website
- Instituto Brasileiro de Egiptologia e Culturas Antigas - IBECA website
- Instituto de Egiptologia (Institute of Egyptology of Rio de Janeiro) - website (downsized version at website)
- Núcleo de Estudos em História Medieval, Antiga e Arqueologia Transdisciplinar (Interdisciplinary Center for Studies in
Medieval History, Ancient and Archaeology; Federal Fluminse University) - NEHMAAT website
New Zealand
- Auckland University Egyptology Association - AUEA Facebook
- Department of Classics and Ancient History, University of Auckland - website
- New Zealand Egyptology Association - NZEA website
- National Taiwan University, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, Taipei - website
- Egyptologiska Sällskapet i Finland / Finnish Egyptological Society - website
PCMA UW Projects in Egypt - URL
PCMA UW Projects in Sudan - URL
A page dedicated to Polish Egyptology is/was at this website.
- Institute of Egyptology of the University of Vienna - webpage
- Ägyptologische Gesellschaft Wien - website
For a more complete overview of Egyptological institutes and university departments in the German language area (Germany,
Switzerland, Austria), see GERMANY above.
- Egyptology, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University - website (MA Egyptology - website)
- Egyptologiska Föreningen I Stockholm / Egyptological Society of Stockholm - EFIS website
- Egyptology, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies (ToRS), Carsten Niebuhr Section - website (Danish info), website (study programme in English)
(This was previously the Carsten Niebuhr Institute of Near Eastern Studies.)
- Dansk Ægyptologisk Selskab / Danish Egyptological Society - DAES website
EEF's web domain: