The author provides a database (in French) of the sAb-titel during several periods of ancient Egyptian history:
sAb Corpus Prosopographie, vol. I (Old Kingdom and FIP)
version 5 (March 2014)
by Etienne Vande Walle
In PDF-format, 378 pages, with 3 (private) photos. Suggestions and corrections are invited.
Based on this material, the author published an article (in English) about the sAb-titel in the June 2011
issue of the journal Egyptological.
Versions 4 and 5 included major updates.
Text version 5 (3.5MB; PDF)
sAb Corpus Prosopographie, vol. II (Middle Kingdom and SIP)
version 1 (April 2013)
by Etienne Vande Walle
In PDF-format, 98 pages. Suggestions, additions, and corrections are invited.
Text version 1 (4.1MB; PDF)
sAb Corpus Prosopographie, vol. III (New Kingdom)
version 1 (December 2013)
by Etienne Vande Walle
In PDF-format, 110 pages. Suggestions, additions, and corrections are invited.
Text version 1 (4.5MB; PDF)