version 21 (30 September 2013)
The below collection of online resources (plus some recent paper bibliography) for
ancient Egyptan texts has been collected by Michael Tilgner for the Egyptologists'
Electronic Forum (EEF).
It is arranged chronologically and its items appeared individually
It might be (hyperlink) indexed at a later date.
For abbreviations used, see URL (common abbreviations, e.g.,
PT, p[], FIP, etc)
and URL (bibliographic abbreviations, e.g., Urk, Lichtheim, LD, KRI, etc).
The collections has been made over several years, so quite a few links may have gone
broken in time; next to each entry you may find the date (d/m/y) on which the links in
that entry have been checked last.
Corrections and additions are welcome with the editor.
Copyright 2017, Michael Tilgner
A Seal of Pharaoh Peribsen (in tomb P at Abydos) (8/4/17)
The first known sentence of Ancient Egypt (other than a name)
date: dyn. 2, reign of Peribsen
-- Drawing [= IÄF III, no. 368], bottom left - (200 KB): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text and short commentary by Francesco Raffaele: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in WinGlyph notation, transcription, English translation
and commentary in posting of Michael Tilgner to AEL on May 27, 1998: URL
The Inscriptions in the Tomb of mTn / Metjen (Berlin 1105) (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 3, reign of Snefru
Consisting of title sequences and excerpts from legal and administrative
-- Photographs of some scenes and inscriptions in the exhibition catalog:
L'art égyptien au temps des pyramides, Paris, 1999, pp. 176-178
-- Drawings of the inscriptions in: LD II, 3-7: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. I, 1-7: URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 170-175: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, French translation and discussion by Eugène Revillout,
Nouvelle étude juridico-économique sur les inscriptions d'Amten et les origines
du droit égyptien, in: Journal asiatique, sér. 10, vol. 6, pp. 473-508 (1905): URL
-- French translation by: Alessandro Roccati, La littérature historique sous
l'Ancien Empire égyptien, Paris, 1982, pp. 83-88
-- German translation by: Karin Barbara Gödecken, Eine Betrachtung der
Inschriften des Meten im Rahmen der sozialen und rechtlichen Stellung von
Privatleuten im ägyptischen Alten Reich, Wiesbaden, 1976, pp. 1-45
-- Discussion of Metjen's titles in: Wolfgang Helck, Untersuchungen zur
Thinitenzeit, Wiesbaden, 1987, pp. 268-274
The Inscriptions of the Statue of mTn / Metjen (Berlin 1106) (27/7/12)
date: date: dyn. 3, reign of Snefru
-- Drawings of the statue and its inscriptions - name and titles: LD II,
120 a-e: URL
The Cannibal Hymn (PT Utterances 273-274) (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 5
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Kurt Sethe, Die altägyptischen Pyramidentexte nach
den Papierabdrücken und Photographien des Berliner Museums, vol. 1,
Leipzig, 1908, pp. 205-216; (first page): URL
-- Photograph of the Unas version based on: Alexandre Piankoff,
The Pyramid of Unas, Princeton, 1968, pls. 28-30 - read cols. 1-29
from right to left: URL
-- English translation based on Faulkner, Piankoff and Speleer: URL
A French translation (partial) based on this: URL
-- English translation by Samuel A. B. Mercer, The Pyramid Texts, vol. I,
New York / London / Toronto, 1952, pp. 92-95: URL
-- German translation by Erik Hornung, Altägyptische Dichtung, Stuttgart, 1996,
pp. 113-116: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text and French translation by: Gaston Maspero, Les inscriptions
des pyramides de Saqqarah, Paris, 1894, pp. 67-70: URL
-- French translation in: Louis Speleers, Les Textes des Pyramides Egyptiennes
(Bruxelles, 1923), pp. 30-31: URL
-- Spanish translation in: Francisco López, Rosa Thode, Los textos
de las pirámides, 2003, pp. 72-75 [98-101 of the pdf-file] -
complete pdf-file: 2.1 MB: URL
-- recently: Christopher Eyre, The Cannibal Hymn. A Cultural and
Literary Study, Liverpool, 2002
The Annal Stone (27/7/12)
date: 5th dyn., reign of Neferirkare (date of original composition; the
stone itself may may be dated to the 25th dyn., according to Helck)
Lettering [ ] according to Wilkinson (see below).
a) The Palermo Stone (Palermo Museo archeologico 1028) [PS]
-- A. Pellegrini, Nota sopra un'iscrizione egizia del Museo di Palermo, in:
Archivio storico siciliano, nueva serie, anno 20, pp. 297-316 (1896),
3 pls. - (pdf-file, whole issue: 36 MB): URL
This article has two nice drawings of the Palermo Stone, pp. 583 and 585 of
the pdf-file.
-- Photographs, drawings of the different sections, German translation and
commentary by Heinrich Schäfer, Ein Bruchstück altägyptischer
Annalen, 41 pp., 2 pls., in: APAW, philos.-hist. Kl., Jahrgang 1902, Berlin,
1902 [begins p. 483 of the pdf-file] - pdf-file (whole issue: 29 MB): URL
-- Photograph (recto) only [= pl. I] - 320 KB: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. I, 235-249 [4th and 5th dyn. only; including
CF1 - CF4]: URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 76-167: URL
-- English translation in: Nigel C. Strudwick, Texts from the Pyramid Age,
Atlanta, 2005, pp. 65-74 [4th and 5th dyn. only], (partly) online readable
at: URL
-- French translation in: Alessandro Roccati, La littérature historique sous
l'Ancien Empire égyptien, Paris, 1982, pp. 36-52 [including other fragments]
b) The Cairo Fragments 1 - 4 (JE 44859, JE 39735, JE 39734, JE 44860)
[CF1 - CF4]
-- Photographs, typeset hieroglyphic text, French translation and commentary
by Henri Gauthier, Quatre nouveaux fragments de la pierre de Palerme, in:
G.Maspero, Le Musée égyptien: recueil de monuments et de notices sur les
fouilles d'Egypte, vol. III, Le Caire, 1915, pp. 29-53, pls. XXIV-XXXI: URL
-- Photograph of CF2 (25 KB): URL
-- Photograph of CF3 (26 KB): URL
-- Photograph of CF4 (22 KB): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. I, 235-249 [see above]: URL
c) The London Fragment (UC 15508) [LF]
-- Photographs of LF recto and verso: URL
-- Photograph of LF recto with roll-over translation: URL
-- William Matthew Flinders Petrie, New Portions of the Annals, in: Ancient
Egypt, vol. III, pp. 114-120 (1916) [article begins on p. 564 of the
pdf-file, foldout not scanned properly; LF recto only]: URL
-- Photograph, drawing and English translation of LF verso by C.N. Reeves,
A Fragment of Fifth Dynasty Annals at University College London, in: GM,
no. 32, pp. 47-52 (1979)
d) The Cairo Fragment 5 (JE 18220) [CF5]
-- Photograph (28 KB): URL
-- Jean-Louis de Cenival, Un nouveau fragment de la Pierre de Palerme, in:
BSFE, no. 44, pp. 13-17 (1965)
e) Basic book on the theme (combines for the first time all seven of the
Toby A. H. Wilkinson, Royals Annals of Ancient Egypt. The Palermo
Stone and Its Associated Fragments, London/New York, 2000 [includes line
drawings of all fragments, no photographs]
The Decree of Neferirkare (Boston, MFA 03.1896) (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 5, reign of Neferirkare
"... decree forbidding interference with the priests or with the temple income ..."
-- Photograph (zoomable): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. I, 170-172: URL
-- Drawing and English translation by Nigel C. Strudwick, Texts from the
Pyramid Age, Atlanta, 2005, pp. 98-101, online readable at: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, French translation and commentary by Gaston Maspero,
Sur une stèle d'Ousirkhâou, in: Gaston Maspero, Études de mythologie et
d'archéologie, vol. VIII, Paris, 1916, pp. 199-203 [originally published in
Recueil de travaux, vol. 26, pp. 236-238 (1904)]: URL
-- Drawing, French translation and commentary by A. Moret, Chartes
d'immunité dans l'Ancien Empire égyptien (troisième partie), in: Journal
asiatique, série 11, vol. 10, pp. 359-447, this decree: pp. 428-436,
drawing on pl. VI [between pp. 428-429]: URL
-- Drawing, German translation and commentary by Hans Goedicke,
Königliche Dokumente aus dem Alten Reich, Wiesbaden, 1967, pp. 22-36
Three Letters of Pharaoh Djedkare Isesi (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 5, reign of Djedkare Isesi
a) First letter to Senedjemib (Giza G 2370) [A 2]
-- Drawing in: LD II, 76d. LD II, 76: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. I, 60,12 - 61,14: URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, section 271: URL
-- English translation by Edward Wente, Letters from Ancient Egypt, Atlanta,
1990, no. 4, p. 19
-- Drawings, transcription, English translation, and commentary by Edward
Brovarski, The Senedjemib Complex, Part 1, Boston, 2001, pp. 92-94: URL
-- French translation by Alessandro Roccati, La littérature historique sous
l'Ancien Empire égyptien, Paris, 1982, § 93, p. 125
-- Transcription and German translation by I. Hafemann (Thesaurus linguae
aegyptiae; registration required): URL
b) Second letter to Senedjemib (Giza G 2370) [B 2]
-- Drawing in: LD II, 76f [see under a]
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. I, 62,13-63,11 [see under a]
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, section 273 [see under a]
-- English translation by Edward Wente, Letters from Ancient Egypt, Atlanta,
1990, no. 3, pp. 18-19
-- Drawings, transcription, English translation, and commentary by Edward
Brovarski, The Senedjemib Complex, Part 1, Boston, 2001, pp. 96-101 [see under a]
-- French translation by Alessandro Roccati, La littérature historique sous
l'Ancien Empire égyptien, Paris, 1982, § 95, p. 126
-- Transcription and German translation by I. Hafemann (Thesaurus linguae
aegyptiae; registration required): URL
c) Letter to Rashepses (Saqqara mastaba)
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. I, 179,8-180,10 [see under a]
-- English translation by Edward Wente, Letters from Ancient Egypt, Atlanta,
1990, no. 2, p. 18
-- French translation by Alessandro Roccati, La littérature historique sous
l'Ancien Empire égyptien, Paris, 1982, § 58, pp. 78-79
-- Transcription and German translation by I. Hafemann (Thesaurus linguae
aegyptiae; registration required): URL
d) Basic work on the theme:
-- Eckhard Eichler, Untersuchungen zu den Königsbriefen des Alten Reiches,
SAK, vol. 18, pp. 141-171 (1991) - includes drawings of all inscriptions,
including one of a letter of Pepi II to Harkhuf, German translations, and commentary
The Pyramid Texts (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 5-6, also later versions
-- LÄ V, 14-23, s.v. "Pyramidentexte"
-- Contemporary report about the discovery: "Nouvelles explorations dans les
Pyramides d'Égypte", in: La Nature. Revue des sciences et leurs applications
aux arts et à l'industrie, vol. 9, p. 415 (1881): URL
-- Audran Labrousse, Les Textes des Pyramides (2002): URL
-- Short bibliography: URL
a) Collection of pyramid texts
-- Typeset hieroglyphic text and French translation by: Gaston Maspero, Les
inscriptions des pyramides de Saqqarah, Paris, 1894. 458 p., pls. First
translation of the pyramid texts (Ounas, Teti, Pepi I, Mirinrî I, Pepi II):
-- Hieroglyphic text (Unas, Teti, Pepi I, Merenre, Neferkare Pepi II) in:
Kurt Sethe, Die altägyptischen Pyramidentexte, nach den Papierabdrücken und
Photographien des Berliner Museums, neu herausgegeben und erläutert,
Leipzig, 1908-1910 [only vols. 1-2 out of 4]. XVI, 508 pp.; IV, 543 pp. -
low and high resolution images available (ca. 130 KB and 300 KB per page resp.)
vol. 1: URL
vol. 2: URL
-- English translation by Samuel A. B. Mercer, The Pyramid Texts, vol. I,
New York / London / Toronto, 1952. 320 pp.: URL
"The famous Pyramid Texts herein translated for the first time in English
... are those of the kings Unis of the Fifth Dynasty, and Teti, Pepi I,
Merenre' and Pepi II of the Sixth Dynasty. To this translation has been
added that of recently discovered additional texts, parallel and
complementary, in the pyramids of Oudjebten, Neit, and Apouit, queens of
Pepi II, and of Ibi, a king of the Seventh Dynasty ..."
-- English translation by R. O. Faulkner, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid
Texts, Oxford, 1969
-- English translation by James Allen, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts (SBL, 2005).
This is the modern standard translation. For some countries a free copy is available at SBL: URL
Some critical notes in: Timofey T. Shmakov, Critical Analysis of J. P. Allen's
"The Ancient
Egyptian Pyramid Texts"(2012) - URL
-- Spanish translation by: Francisco López, Rosa Thode, Los textos de las
pirámides, 2003 - pdf-file: 2.1 MB: URL
-- Older French translation: Louis Speleers, Les Textes des Pyramides égyptiennes, 2 vols.,
Bruxelles, 1923-1924. Tome premier: Traduction, Bruxelles, 1923. - V, 127 autographed pp.,
and Tome deuxième: Vocabulaire, Bruxelles, 1924. - II, 128 autographed pp. [bound together] -
pdf-file (21.3 MB) [PDF]: URL
b) Unas version [W]
-- Photographs [based on: Alexandre Piankoff, The Pyramid of Unas,
Princeton, 1968] and English translation compiled by J.D. Degreef [from
translations by R. O. Faulkner, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts. Oxford,
1969; Alexandre Piankoff, The Pyramid of Unas, Princeton, 1968; Louis
Speleers, Traduction, index et vocabulaire des Textes des Pyramides
égyptiennes, Bruxelles, [1934]]: URL
-- Transcription, French translation and commentary by Raphaël Bertrand, Les
Textes de la Pyramide d'Ounas, vols. 1-2, Beuvrages, 2004-2005
-- English translation, by philosopher Wim van den Dungen: URL
-- Transcription and German translation, by Doris Topmann [Thesaurus linguae
aegyptiae; registration required]:
c) Pepi I version [P]
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Jean Leclant, Catherine Berger-el Naggar, Bernard
Mathieu, Isabelle Pierre-Croisiau, Les textes de la pyramide de Pépy Ier,
vol. 1: Description et analyse, vol. 2: Fac-similés, Le Caire, 2001
d) Ankhesenpepy II version
-- Dobrev Vassil, Labrousse Audran, Mathieu Bernard, La dixième pyramide à
textes de Saqqâra: Ânkhesenpépy II. Rapport préliminaire, in: BIFAO, vol.
100, pp. 275-296 (2000): URL
The False Door of Mehu in his tomb in Saqqara (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 6, reign of Teti
-- Large photograph in: Regine Schulz, Matthias Seidel (eds.), Ägypten. Die Welt
der Pharaonen, Köln, 1997, p. 8 [there are also editions in other languages]
-- Transcription and German translation by S. Grunert (Thesaurus linguae
aegyptiae; registration required): URL
-- General info about the tomb of Mehu: URL
-- Book on the theme:
Hartwig Altenmüller, Die Wanddarstellung im Grab des Mehu in Saqqara, Mainz
1998, pp. 198-202, pl. 75
The Decree of Pepi I for the Pyramid City of Snofru (Berlin 17500) (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 6, reign of Pepi I
-- Drawing and French translation in: Alexandre Moret, Chartes d'immunité
dans l'Ancien Empire égyptien [troisième partie], in: Journal asiatique,
série 11, vol. 10, pp. 359-447 (1917) - section "II. Texte de Dahchour.
Charte d'immunité de Pepi Ier", pp. 387-427; pls. V-VI [between pp. 388-389
and 402-403 resp.]: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. I, 209-213: URL
-- Drawing, German translation and commentary by Hans Goedicke, Königliche
Dokumente aus dem Alten Reich, Wiesbaden, 1967, pp. 55-77
The Autobiography of Weni the Elder (CG 1435) (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 6, reign of Merenre
-- Color photograph in: Marc Desti (ed.), Des dieux, des tombeaux, un
savant: En Egypte, sur les pas de Mariette pacha, Paris, 2004, pp. 186-187
-- B/W photographs in: G. Maspero, E. Grébaut, Le Musée égyptien: recueil de
monuments et de notices sur les fouilles d'Egypte, vol. I, Le Caire,
1890-1900, pls. XXVII-XVIII, comments on pp. 25-26: URL, or
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. I, 98-110: URL
-- Drawing [based on: Patrizia Piacentini, L'autobiografia di Uni, principe
e governatore dell-alto Egitto, Pisa, 1990, pp. 10-12], hieroglyphic text,
transcription and English translation with commentary [AEL]: URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 291-294, 306-315, 319-324: URL
also: URL
-- English translation [= Lichtheim I, 18-23]: URL, URL
-- French translation in: Alessandro Roccati, La littérature historique sous
l'Ancien Empire égyptien, Paris, 1982, pp. 187-197
-- German translation: Tobias Hofmann, Die Autobiographie des Uni von
Abydos, in: Lingua Aegyptia, vol. 10, pp. 225-237 (2002)
-- recently: Mahmoud el-Khadragy, Some Palaeographical Features of Weni's
Biography, in: GM 188, pp. 61-72 (2002) - includes a drawing of the inscription.
-- About the excavation of Weni's tomb in Abydos by Janet Richards: URL, URL
-- recently: Janet E. Richards, Text and Context in late Old Kingdom Egypt:
The Archaeology and Historiography of Weni the Elder, in: JARCE, vol. 39,
pp. 75-102 (2004)
The Letter of Pepi II to Harkhuf (in his tomb in Qubbet el-Hawa, no. 34) (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 6, reign of Pepi II
-- Photograph in: Rosalie David, Ägypten. Kunstschätze am Nil, Hamburg, 1981,
p. 181
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. I, 129-131: URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 350-354: URL; also: URL
-- English translation [= Lichtheim I, 26-27]: URL
-- English translation (partial), also as an audio-file (RealPlayer): URL
-- French translation in: Claire Lalouette, Textes sacrés et textes profanes
de l'ancienne Égypte, Paris, 1984
-- Transliteration and German translation in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae
-- Bibliography: URL
-- recently: Eckhard Eichler, Untersuchungen zu den Königsbriefen des
Alten Reiches, SAK, vol. 18, pp. 152-155 (1991) - includes a drawing of
the inscription
The Autobiography of Pepinakht called Heqaib in his tomb in Qubbet el-Hawa (QH 35) (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 6, reign of Pepi II
-- LÄ IV, 929, s.v. "Pepinacht"
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. I, 131-135: URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 355-360: URL
-- English translation by Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Autobiographies
Chiefly of the Middle Kingdom, Freiburg / Göttingen, 1988, pp. 15-16
-- French translation by Alessandro Roccati, La littérature historique sous
l'Ancien Empire égyptien, Paris, 1982, pp. 208-211
-- Transcription and German translation by Rolf Gundlach, Die
Zwangsumsiedlung auswärtiger Bevölkerung als Mittel ägyptischer Politik
bis zum Ende des Mittleren Reiches, Stuttgart, 1994, pp. 204-205 [without the titles]
The Instruction of Kagemni (pPrisse 1,1 - 2,9) (27/7/12)
date: likely dyn. 6
-- Hieroglyphic text and English translation, by philosopher Wim van den Dungen: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, transliteration and German translation by 'Astrodoc': URL
-- Bibliography, transliteration and German translation, in Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae: URL
-- Transliteration and Spanish translation, by Ángel Sánchez Rodríguez: URL
-- English translations by Joseph Kaster, The Wisdom of Ancient Egypt: Writings from
the Time of the Pharaohs, New York, 1968 and by Alan H. Gardiner, The instruction addressed
to Kagemni and his brethren, in: JEA, vol. 32, pp. 71-74 (1946): URL
The Instruction of Ptahhotep (27/7/12)
date: likely dyn. 6
-- Photographs of the Hieratic text of pPrisse: URL
-- Photographs of the Hieratic text of BM 10371 and BM 10435: URLURL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Zbynek Zaba, Les maximes de Ptahhotep, Praha, 1956, pp. 15-65:
URL (and following pages)
-- English translation, by philosopher Wim van den Dungen: URL
-- Transliteration and English translation (pPrisse) at UCL: URL
-- English translation, from Lichtheim I, 61-80: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, transliteration and German translation, by 'Astrodoc': URL
-- German translation by Erik Hornung, Altägyptische Dichtung, Stuttgart, 1996,
pp. 59-72 (partial): URL
-- The standard edition is: Zbynek Zaba, Les maximes de Ptahhotep, Praha, 1956;
before that there was: Eugène Dévaud, Les maximes de Ptahhotep: d'après le Papyrus Prisse,
les Papyrus 10371/10435 et 10509 du British museum, et la Tablette Carnarvon. Fribourg, 1916
-- Recent book on the topic: Friedrich Junge, Die Lehre Ptahhoteps und die Tugenden
der ägyptischen Welt, 2003 (OBO 193).
-- Recent book on the topic: F. Hagen, An Ancient Egyptian Literary Text in Context:
The Instruction of Ptahhotep. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 218. Peeters Publishers, 2012.
The Teaching for King Merikare (27/7/12)
date of composition: dyn. 9-10 or dyn. 12 (Quack);
date of the papyri: late dyn. 18
-- LÄ III, 986-989, s.v. "Lehre für Merikare"
-- English translation, by philosopher Wim van den Dungen: URL
-- English translation: Lichtheim I, 97-109
-- English translation by Vincent A. Tobin in: William Kelly Simpson (ed.)
The Literature of Ancient Egypt, 3rd ed.,New Haven and London, 2003, pp. 152-165
-- German translation by Hellmut Brunner, Altägyptische Weisheit. Lehren
für das Leben, Zürich / München, 1988, pp. 137-154; excerpts: URL
-- Spanish translation by Juan de la Torre Suárez and Teresa Soria Trastoy: URL
a) pPetersburg 1116 A verso
-- Hieroglyphic text in: W. Golénischeff, Les papyrus hiératiques
1115, 1116A et 1116B de l'Ermitage impérial à Saint Pétersbourg,
St.-Pétersbourg, 1913, pls. 9-14
-- English translation [= by R. O. Faulkner in: William Kelly
Simpson (ed.), The Literature of Ancient Egypt, New Haven
and London, 1973, pp. 180-192]: URL
-- Transcription and German translation by P. Dils: URL
(Thesaurus linguae aegyptiae; registration required)
b) pMoscow 4658
-- Transcription and German translation by P. Dils: URL
(Thesaurus linguae aegyptiae; registration required)
c) pCarlsberg VI
-- Photographs of the Hieratic papyrus, hieroglyphic text,
German translation and commentary in: Aksel Volten,
Zwei altägyptische politische Schriften, København, 1945
-- Transcription and German translation by P. Dils: URL
(Thesaurus linguae aegyptiae; registration required)
d) Books on the theme
-- Wolfgang Helck, Die Lehre für König Merikare, 2nd ed., Wiesbaden, 1988
-- Joachim Friedrich Quack, Studien zur Lehre für Merikare, Wiesbaden, 1992
[includes the hieroglyphic text (synopsis of all texts)]
The Stela of Irtysen (Louvre C 14) (24/9/12)
date: dyn. 11, reign of Mentuhotep II
-- LÄ III, 181-182, s.v. "Irtisen"
-- Description of the Louvre database: URL
-- Photographs:
Stela (51 KB): URL
Stela (97 KB): URL
Stela (3.5 MB): URL
Detail (87 KB): URL
-- Drawing in: Prisse d'Avennes, Monuments Égyptiens, Paris,
1847, pl. VII (53 KB): URL
-- Drawing without the offering scene (75 KB): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text (typeset by Serge Rosmorduc): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text and early English translation by Gaston Maspero,
The Stèle C 14 of the Louvre, in: Gaston Maspero, Études de
mythologie et d'archéologie égyptiennes, vol. 3, Paris, 1898,
pp. 527-434: URL
-- Maspero's English translation, appearing in: S. Birch (ed.), Records
of the past: being English translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian
monuments, vol. X, London, [1878], pp. 1-4 - pdf-file (192 KB): URL
also: URL
-- There was a thread about this stela with a rather detailed
discussion in the Ancient Egyptian Language list (AEL) during
the weeks 127-143 (1999) - cf. AEL archives: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, transcription, translation and lexical
analysis (in French), line by line, of Projet Rosette: URL
-- French translation by Serge Rosmorduc: URL
-- German translation by Wolfgang Schenkel, Memphis -
Herakleopolis - Theben. Die epigraphischen Zeugnisse der
7. - 11. Dynastie Ägyptens, Wiesbaden, 1965, § 403
-- Spanish translation by Ana Ma Vázquez Hoys: URL
-- Recent article: Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert, Das verschwiegene
Wissen des Irtisen (Stele Louvre C 14). Zwischen Arcanum
und Preisgabe, in: Jan Assmann, Martin Bommas (eds.),
Ägyptische Mysterien?, München, 2002, pp. 27-35
-- Book on the theme: Winfried Barta, Das Selbstzeugnis
eines altägyptischen Künstlers (Stele Louvre C14), Berlin, 1970
Rock inscriptions from the Wadi Hammamat of an expedition under Mentuhotep IV (24/9/12)
date: dyn. 11, reign of Mentuhotep IV
-- LÄ VI, 1099-1113, s.v. "Wadi Hammamat", expedition E14 (1104-1105)
Some 20 [not: 30] inscriptions of this expedition are known. The labelling
[M ...] points to the catalog of J. Couyat, P. Montet, Les inscriptions
hiéroglyphiques et hiératiques du Ouâdi Hammâmât, Le Caire, 1913.
a) The first wonder [M 110]
"Year 2, second month of inundation, day 3" of Mentuhotep IV
-- Drawing: LD II, 149c [some signs are lacking in this drawing]: URL
-- Photograph and hieroglyphic text in: J. Couyat, P. Montet, Les
inscriptions hiéroglyphiques et hiératiques du Ouâdi Hammâmât, Le Caire,
1913, pp. 77-78, pl. XXIX (top)
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof - 3 pp.,
pdf-file (18 KB): URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 435-438: URL
-- German translation by Wolfgang Schenkel, Memphis - Herakleopolis -
Theben. Die epigraphischen Zeugnisse der 7. - 11. Dynastie Ägyptens,
Wiesbaden, 1965, section 441
b) The purpose of the expedition [M 192a]
"Year 2, second month of inundation, day 15"
-- Drawing: LD II, 149d - except the last three cols. [URL: see under a]
-- Photograph and hieroglyphic text in: J. Couyat, P. Montet, Les
inscriptions hiéroglyphiques et hiératiques du Ouâdi Hammâmât, Le Caire,
1913, pp. 98-99, pl. XXXVII
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof - 4 pp.,
pdf-file (18 KB): URL
-- English translation by: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 439-443 [URL: see under a]
-- English translation: Lichtheim I, 113-115
-- Early French translation (partial) by Gaston Maspero, Les monuments
égyptiens de la vallée de Hammamât, in: Gaston Maspero, Études de mythologie
et d'archéologie égyptiennes, vol. 4, Paris, 1900, pp. 1-14 - this
inscription, pp. 8-9: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, French translation and commentary by Charles Kuentz,
Autour d'une conception égyptienne méconnue: l'Akhit ou soi-disant horizon,
in: BIFAO, vol. 17, pp. 121-190 (1920) [the inscription is discussed on
pp. 121-125] - pdf-file (6.3 MB): URL
-- German translation by Wolfgang Schenkel, Memphis - Herakleopolis -
Theben. Die epigraphischen Zeugnisse der 7. - 11. Dynastie Ägyptens,
Wiesbaden, 1965, section 442
c) The account of the vizier Amenemhet [M 113]
"Year 2, second month of inundation, day 15"
-- Drawing: LD II, 149e [URL: see above under a]
-- Photograph and hieroglyphic text in: J. Couyat, P. Montet, Les
inscriptions hiéroglyphiques et hiératiques du Ouâdi Hammâmât, Le Caire,
1913, pp. 79-81, pl. XXIX (bottom)
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof - 4 pp.,
pdf-file (24 KB): URL
-- English translation by: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 444-448 [URL: see under a]
-- Early French translation by Gaston Maspero, Les monuments égyptiens de la
vallée de Hammamât, in: Gaston Maspero, Études de mythologie et
d'archéologie égyptiennes, vol. 4, Paris, 1900, pp. 1-14 - this inscription,
pp. 9-11 [URL: see under b]
-- German translation by Wolfgang Schenkel, Memphis - Herakleopolis -
Theben. Die epigraphischen Zeugnisse der 7. - 11. Dynastie Ägyptens,
Wiesbaden, 1965, section 443
d) The second wonder [M 191]
[Year 2,] "second month of inundation, day 23"
-- Drawing: LD II, 149f [URL: see above under a]
-- Photograph and hieroglyphic text in: J. Couyat, P. Montet, Les
inscriptions hiéroglyphiques et hiératiques du Ouâdi Hammâmât, Le Caire,
1913, pp. 97-98, pl. XXXVI
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof - 3 pp.,
pdf-file (16 KB): URL
-- English translation by: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 449-451 [URL: see under a]
-- Early French translation by Gaston Maspero, Les monuments égyptiens de la
vallée de Hammamât, in: Gaston Maspero, Études de mythologie et
d'archéologie égyptiennes, vol. 4, Paris, 1900, pp. 1-14 - this inscription,
pp. 11-13 [URL: see under b]
-- Transcription and German translation, at website of Marburg University: URL
-- Photograph (in color) and German translation by Klaus Koschel,
Altägyptische Steinexpeditionen. Felsinschriften im Wadi Hammamat als
Quellen pharaonischer Steinbruch-Großunternehmen, in: Antike Welt, vol. 33,
no. 1, pp. 51-64 (2002) [fig. 15; translation: pp. 59-60]
-- German translation by Wolfgang Schenkel, Memphis - Herakleopolis -
Theben. Die epigraphischen Zeugnisse der 7. - 11. Dynastie Ägyptens,
Wiesbaden, 1965, section 444
e) The completion of the work [M 192b]
[Year 2, second month of inundation,] "day 27"
-- Drawing: LD II, 149d - the last three cols. [URL: see above under a]
-- Photograph and hieroglyphic text in: J. Couyat, P. Montet, Les
inscriptions hiéroglyphiques et hiératiques du Ouâdi Hammâmât, Le Caire,
1913, pp. 99-100, pl. XXXVII
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof [URL: see under b]
-- English translation by: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 452-453 [URL: see under a]
-- Early French translation by Gaston Maspero, Les monuments égyptiens de la
vallée de Hammamât, in: Gaston Maspero, Études de mythologie et d'archéologie
égyptiennes, vol. 4, Paris, 1900, pp. 1-14 - this inscription, p. 9 [URL: see under b]
-- German translation by Wolfgang Schenkel, Memphis - Herakleopolis -
Theben. Die epigraphischen Zeugnisse der 7. - 11. Dynastie Ägyptens,
Wiesbaden, 1965, section 445
f) Basic book on the theme
-- Karl-Joachim Seyfried, Beiträge zu den Expeditionen des Mittleren Reiches
in die Ost-Wüste, Hildesheim, 1981 - This expedition on pp. 245-247
-- see also: Rolf Gundlach, Mentuhotep IV. und Min. Analyse der Inschriften
M 110, M 191 und M 192a aus dem Wâdi Hammâmât, in: SAK, vol. 8, pp. 89-114 (1980)
The Stela of the Priest Mentuhotep (Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum E.9.1922) (24/9/12)
date: late dyn. 11
"Its unusual text portrays a self-made man who became a successful cattle
farmer and holder of a minor office in the Abydene priesthood." (Lichtheim)
-- Photograph (pl. XXIII, 1), drawing (pl. XII), description (p. 10) and
English translation (by Alan H. Gardiner, p. 19) in: William Matthew Flinders Petrie,
Tombs of the Courtiers and Oxyrhynkhos, London, 1925 - pdf-file: URL
-- Photograph and English translation by Alan H. Gardiner [from Petrie, see above]: URL
-- Photograph,from: Janine Bourriau, Pharaohs and Mortals. Egyptian Art
in the Middle Kingdom, Cambridge, 1988: URL
-- Description in The Fitzwilliam Museum Online Catalogue: URL
-- English translation: Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Autobiographies
Chiefly of the Middle Kingdom, Freiburg / Göttingen, 1988, pp. 68-69
The Autobiography of Amenemhet called Ameni in his tomb (Beni Hassan 2) (24/9/12)
date: dyn. 12, reign of Sesostris I.
-- Drawing in LD II, 122: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. VII, 14-16: URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 515-253: URL
-- German translation, from Walter Wolf, Das alte Ägypten, München, 1971, pp. 192-194: URL
-- French translation (partial, unclear source): URL
-- Recent book on the theme: Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Autobiographies Chiefly of
the Middle Kingdom, Freiburg / Göttingen, 1988, pp. 135-141
The Autobiography of Khnumhotep II in his tomb in Beni Hassan (BH 3) (24/9/12)
date: dyn. 12, reign of Sesostris II
-- LÄ I, 955-956, s.v. "Chnumhotep II."
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Champollion Le Jeune, Monuments de l'Égypte et de
la Nubie: notices descriptives conformes aux manuscrits autographes rédigés
sur les lieux, vol. 2, Paris, [1889], pp. 418-422 - [go to "Consultation" -
first page (420)]: URL
-- Drawing of the inscription: LD II 124-125: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. VII, 25-35: URL
-- Early English translation by Samuel Birch, Inscription of Chnumhetep, in:
Records of the Past, vol. XII, London, [1881], pp. 65-76 - pdf-file: 375 KB: URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 619-639: URL, URL
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof - 13 pp., pdf-file: 48 KB: URL
-- English translation: William Kelly Simpson (ed.), The Literature of
Ancient Egypt, 3rd ed., New Haven and London, 2003, pp. 420-424
-- Hieroglyphic text, transcription and French translation by P. Le Guilloux,
La biographie de Khnoumhotep II, prince de Beni Hassan, Angers, 2004
-- Alan B. Lloyd, The Great Inscription of Khnumhotpe II at Beni Hasan, in:
Alan B. Lloyd (ed.), Studies in Pharaonic Religion and Society for Gwyn
Griffiths, The Egypt Exploration Society, London, 1992, pp. 21-36
Semna boundary stelae of Sesostris III (Berlin 1157; Berlin 14753) (24/9/12)
date: dyn. 12, reign of Sesostris III
-- Hieroglyphic text (drawing) in: LD II, 136 h [= Berlin 1157], i [= Berlin 14753]": URL
-- Hieroglyphic text (drawing of stela) by Claude Obsomer: URL [ Berlin 14753], URL [Berlin 1157]
-- Hieroglyphic text, transcription and French translation by Sylvie Griffon:
URL [Berlin 14753], URL [Berlin 1157]
-- Digitized slips from the Wörterbuch Archive, Berlin, with passages from this stela used
for lexikographic studies: URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt, vol. I,
Chicago, 1906, sections 651-652 [Berlin 14753], sections 653-660 [Berlin 1157]: URL
-- Recent article on the theme: Christopher J. Eyre, The Semna stelae: quotation, genre,
and functions of literature, in: Studies in Egyptology. Lichtheim, pp. 134-165 (1990).
A Cycle of Hymns to King Sesostris III (papyrus Kahun LV.1 / papyrus UC 32157 recto) (12/10/12)
date: dyn. 12
-- Hieratic and hieroglyphic text in: Francis Llewellyn Griffith, The Petrie
Papyri: Hieratic Papyri from Kahun and Gurob (principally of the Middle Kingdom),
Plates, London, 1898, pls. 1-3 - pdf-file (8.4 MB): URL
-- English translation by Francis Llewellyn Griffith, The Petrie Papyri:
Hieratic Papyri from Kahun and Gurob (principally of the Middle Kingdom),
Text, London, 1898, pp. 1-3 - pdf-file (4.2 MB): URL
-- Photographs of the papyrus, transcription and English translation [at UCL]: URL
-- English translation: William Kelly Simpson (ed.), The Literature of
Ancient Egypt, 3rd ed., New Haven and London, 2003, pp. 301-306
-- French translation by Claude Obsomer: URL
-- German translation by Jan Assmann, in: ÄHG, nos. 228-231
-- Massimo Patanè, La structure de l'hymne à Sesostris III, in: BSEG, vol. 8,
pp. 61-65 (1983) - pdf-file (123 KB): URL
-- English translation in: Lichtheim I, 198-200
-- English translation in: Mark Collier, S. Quirke, The UCL Lahun Papyri: Religious, Literary,
Legal, Mathematical and Medical, Oxford, 2004 [info: URL]
A Stela of Ikhernofret (Stela Berlin 1204) (12/10/12)
date: 12th dyn., reign of Sesostris III
-- Photograph in: William Kelly Simpson, The Terrace of the Great God at Abydos:
The Offering Chapels of Dynasties 12 and 13, New Haven and Philadelphia, 1974, pl. 1
-- Drawing: LD II, 135 h: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text (typeset by Serge Rosmorduc): URL
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof (in pdf): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, transcription and French translation by Sylvie Griffon - URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 661-670: URL; idem at: URL
-- English translation in: Lichtheim I, 123-125
-- German translation in: Dietrich Wildung, Sesostris und Amenemhet. Ägypten
im Mittleren Reich, München, 1984, p. 137
-- Recent book on the theme: Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Autobiographies Chiefly of
the Middle Kingdom, Freiburg / Göttingen, 1988, pp. 98-100
-- Article on the stela, with a drawing of the stela:
Naomi L. Gunnels, "The Ikhernofret Stela as Theatre: A Cross-cultural Comparisson",
in: Studia Antiqua, Journal of the BYU Student Society for Ancient Studies, Volume 2, No. 2,
Fall 2002, pp. 3-16.
The Transport of the Colossal Statue of DHwti-Htp(.w) / Thot-hotep (12/10/12)
Scene and inscriptions in his tomb in el-Bersheh (no. 2)
date: dyn. 12, reign of Sesostris III
-- Photograph (by Michel Malfliet): complete scene - URL; detail - URL
-- Drawing: LD II, 134 (335 KB): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. VII, 47-50: URL
-- English translation by: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 694-706: URL; idem, at: URL
-- German translation in: Dietrich Wildung, Sesostris und Amenemhet. Ägypten
im Mittleren Reich, München, 1984, p. 160
-- Transliteration and Spanish translation by Ángel Sánchez Rodríguez: URL
-- Press report about recent works in DHwti-Htp's tomb - URL
-- Website of the ongoing Dayr al-Barsha mission: URL
The Stela of Khu-u-Sobek / Sebek-khu, named Djaa (Manchester Museum 3306) (12/10/12)
date: 12th dyn., reign of Amenemhet III
-- Photographs and description [at Manchester University]: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Kurt Sethe, Ägyptische Lesestücke, Leipzig, 1928, pp. 82-83
-- Drawing (autobiographical part of the text): URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records
of Egypt, vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 676-687: URL; idem, at URL
-- Photograph, drawing, English translation and commentary
by T. Eric Peet, The Stela of Sebek-khu. The Earliest Record of
an Egyptian Campaign in Asia, Manchester, [1914]. 22 pp., 2 pls. -
The drawing is scanned incompletely, the missing part can be found
at the link above. - pdf-file (B/W: 1.7 MB): URL
-- English translation and commentary by John Baines, The Stela of
Khusobek: Private and Royal Military Narrative and Values, in:
Festschrift Fecht, 1987 (= Ägypten und Altes Testament, vol. 12), pp. 43-61
-- German translation by Christian Beyer in: Susanne Petschel,
Martin von Falck (eds.), Pharao siegt immer. Krieg und Frieden
im Alten Ägypten, Bönen, 2004, pp. 158-159
-- recent discussion: Hans Goedicke, Khu-u-Sobek's Fight in "Asia",
Ägypten und Levante, vol. 7, pp. 33-37 (1998)
A Letter of Reminder (pKahun II.2 / London UCL 32199) (12/10/12)
date: dyn. 12
-- Photographs of the hieratic text and hieroglyphic text in: F. Ll.
Griffith, Hieratic Papyri from Kahun and Gurob, Plates, London,
1898, pl. XXIX (II.2) - pdf-file: URL
-- English translation by F. Ll. Griffith, Hieratic Papyri from Kahun
and Gurob, Text, London, 1898, p. 72 - pdf-file: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in Kurt Sethe, Ägyptische Lesestücke, 2nd ed.,
Leipzig, 1928 (reprinted often), p. 97
-- Hieroglyphic text , transcription and English translation in Mark
Collier, Stephen Quirke (eds.), The UCL Lahun Papyri: Letters, Oxford, 2002,
pp. 96-99 (color photographs of the papyrus on the accompanying CD-ROM)
-- English translation by Edward Wente, Letters from Ancient Egypt,
Atlanta, Georgia, 1990, pp. 79-80
-- Drawing of the hieratic text and English translation by R.B. Parkinson,
Voices from Ancient Egypt. An Anthology of Middle Kingdom Writings,
London, 2004, pp. 90-92
-- Transcription and German translation by I. Hafemann in the TLA
(registration required): URL
The Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor (pPetersburg 1115 [= P. Hermitage 1115]) (12/10/12)
date: dyn. 12
-- LÄ V, 619-622, s.v. "Schiffbrüchiger"
-- Hieroglyphic text, transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof (in pdf): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text (autographed), transcription ("a new system devised by myself")
and English translation by Jacob Rabinowitz, Isle of Fire, A Tour of the Egyptian Further
World, rev. ed., vol. I, 2005, pp. 21-35 - pdf-file: 2.2 MB: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, transcription and French translation by Sylvie Griffon: URL
-- English translation by W. M. Flinders Petrie, Egyptian Tales Translated
From The Papyri, vol. 1, 2nd ed., London, 1899, pp. 81-96: URL, URL
-- English translation: Lichtheim I, 211-215
-- English translation from Eva March Tappan, ed., The World's Story:
A History of the World in Story, Song and Are, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1914),
Vol. III: Egypt, Africa, and Arabia, trans. W. K. Flinders Petrie, pp. 41-46: URL, URL
-- French translation by Gaston Maspero, Les contes populaires de l'Egypte ancienne,
4th ed., Paris[, 1911], pp. 104-114: URL
-- Transcription and German translation by H. Felber (TLA; registration required): URL
-- German translation: Emma Brunner-Traut, Altägyptische Märchen, 8th ed., München, 1989, pp. 34-41
-- Transcription and German translation: Markus Mode, "Das Gleichnis des schiffbrüchigen Gefolgsmannes
(Bemerkungen zu Papyrus 1115 der Staatlichen Ermitage in Leningrad)", Hallesche Beiträge zur
Orientwissenschaft 2 (1980), pp. 5-57. : URL
-- Index to passages from the tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor by K.B.Saunders: URL
-- Some articles on the topic:
--- John Baines, "Interpreting the Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor," in: JEA, vol. 76,
pp. 55-72 (1990) - pdf-file (2.4 MB): URL [site temp. down?]
--- Rendsburg, Gary A. "Literary Devices in the Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor",
in: Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 120, No. 1 (Jan. - Mar., 2000), pp. 13-23
The "Kahun Medical Papyrus" or the "Gynaecological Papyrus" (pKahun (med.) / London UC 32057) (12/10/12)
date: dyn. 12
-- Photographs (b/w) and hieroglyphic text in: Francis LLewellyn Griffith,
The Petrie Papyri: Hieratic Papyri from Kahun and Gurob (principally of the
Middle Kingdom). Plates, London, 1898, pls. V-VI - pdf-file: URL
-- Description and English translation by Francis LLewellyn Griffith, The
Petrie Papyri: Hieratic Papyri from Kahun and Gurob (principally of the
Middle Kingdom). Text, London, 1898, pp. 5-11- pdf-file: URL; idem, at URL
-- Photographs (in color, low and high resolution), hieroglyphic text,
transliteration and English translation by Stephen Quirke - two passages are
also provided as audio files: URL
-- French translation by Thierry Bardinet, Les papyrus médicaux de l'Égypte
pharaonique, Paris, 1995, pp. 437-443
-- German translation by Wolfhart Westendorf, Handbuch der altägyptischen
Medizin, 2 vols., Leiden / Boston / Köln, 1999 - see index, pp. 825-826
The Dispute of a Man with His Ba (pBerlin 3024) (12/10/12)
date: dyn. 12
-- LÄ II, 571-573, s.v. "'Gespräch des Lebensmüden'"
-- Drawing of the papyrus (Papyrus No. III) in: LD VI, 111-112: URL
-- Photographs of the papyrus, hieroglyphic text, German translation and
commentary by Adolf Erman, Gespräch eines Lebensmüden mit seiner Seele. Aus
dem Papyrus 3024 der Königlichen Museen, in: Abhandlungen der Königlichen
Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1896, Philosophische und
historische Abhandlungen, Berlin, 1896, pp. 1-77, 10 pls.
first page: URL
-- 10 plates showing pBerlin 3024 (see previous)
first plate: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, transcription and English translation according to
R.O.Faulkner, The Man who was Tired of Life, in: JEA, vol. 42, pp. 21-40 (1956)
[hieroglyphs, pp. 22-26]: URL (typeset by Jenny Carrington),
-- English translation: Lichtheim I, 163-169
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof - 11 pp.,
pdf-file (40 KB): URL
-- English translation by Vincent A. Tobin in: William Kelly Simpson (ed.),
The Literature of Ancient Egypt, 3rd ed., New Haven and London, 2003, pp. 178-187
-- The following translation by R.O. Faulkner [slightly adapted from
his JEA article, see above] is from an earlier edition: William Kelly
Simpson (ed.), The Literature of Ancient Egypt, New Haven and London, 1973,
pp. 201-209: URL
-- French translation and commentary by Raymond Weill, Le livre du
"désespéré", le sens, l'intention et la composition littéraire de l'ouvrage,
in: BIFAO, vol. 45, pp. 89-154 (1947): URL
-- French translation and commentary by Odette Renaud, Le Dialogue du
Désespéré avec son âme. Une interprétation littéraire, in: Cahiers de la
Société d'Égyptologie, no. 1 (1991) - TOC as pdf-file (120 KB): URL
-- German translation (partial) by Erik Hornung, Gesänge vom Nil. Dichtung
am Hofe der Pharaonen, Zürich / München, 1990, pp. 101-104: URL
-- Transcription, German translation and commentary by Katherina Lohmann,
Das Gespräch eines Mannes mit seinem Ba, in: SAK, vol. 25, pp. 207-236 (1998)
-- Transliteration and Spanish translation by Ángel Sánchez Rodríguez: URL
-- An Italian translation, with hieroglyphic text and transliteration, is said to be present in:
M. Chioffi-G. Rigamonti, Antologia della letteratura egizia del Medio Regno,
vol. I, ed. Ananke, Torino, 2007.
-- Commentary by philosopher Wim van den Dungen: URL
-- Books on the theme:
---- Winfried Barta, Das Gespräch eines Mannes mit seinem Ba (Papyrus Berlin 3024),
Berlin, 1969
---- Hans Goedicke, The Report about the Dispute of a Man with His Ba.
Papyrus Berlin 3024, Baltimore / London, 1970
---- James Allen, The Debate Between a Man and His Soul. A Masterpiece of
Ancient Egyptian Literature. Brill Publishers, 2010. ISBN 978 90 04 19303 1
The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant (12/10/12)
(pBerlin 3023, pBerlin 3025, pRamesseum A [= pBerlin 10499], and pButler 527 [= pBM 10274])
date: end of the 12th dyn.
-- Hieratic facsimile of pBerlin 3023 [B1] in: LD VI, 108-110 (called "Papyrus no. II"): URL
-- Hieratic facsimile of pBerlin 3023 [B2] in: LD VI, 113-114 (called "Papyrus no. IV"): URL
Please note that these facsimiles were drawn at a time when there was only
insufficient knowledge of Hieratic. They have been replaced by photographic
plates in F. Vogelsang, Alan H. Gardiner, Literarische Texte des Mittleren
Reiches I: Die Klagen des Bauern, Leipzig, 1908 (Hieratische Papyrus aus den
Königlichen Museen Berlin, vol. IV). This vol. has also the plates of pRamesseum A [R].
-- Hieroglyphic text (also in WinGlyph format), transcription and English translation
[based on a discussion in AEL]: URL
-- English translation in: Lichtheim I, 169-184
-- Photographs of the papyri, hieroglyphic text and German translation
[not complete yet]: URL
-- Transcription and German translation of pBerlin 3023 + pAmherst I [B1]
(TLA, needs registration): URL
-- Transcription and German translation of pBerlin 3025 + pAmherst II [B2]
(TLA, needs registration): URL
-- Transcription and German translation of pRamesseum A [R] (TLA, needs registration): URL
-- Basic book on the hieroglyphic text with new line numbering:
R.B. Parkinson, The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant, Oxford, 1991
-- Gerhard Fecht, Der beredte Bauer: die zweite Klage, in: Studies in Honor
of William Kelly Simpson, vol. 1, Boston, 1996, pp. 227-266 - pdf-file: 0.8 MB: URL
-- Recent books on the topic:
--- Reading the Eloquent Peasant, Proceedings of the International
Conference on The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant at the University of
California, Los Angeles, March 27-30, 1997, in: LingAeg 8 (2000) [TOC at: URL]
--- Dieter Kurth, Der Oasenmann, Mainz, 2003 [info: URL]
The Stelae of Ameniseneb / imny-snb (Louvre C 11 and C 12) (12/10/12)
date: dyn. 13, reign of Khendjer
-- Photographs in William Kelly Simpson, The Terrace of the Great God at Abydos:
The Offering Chapels of Dynasties 12 and 13, New Haven and Philadelphia, 1974, pl. 80
-- Photographs of Louvre C 11: URL
-- Photographs of Louvre C 12: URL
-- Drawings of both stelae [Breasted: "Neither is accurate."], French translation
by Philippe Jacques de Horrack, Sur deux stèles de l'Ancien Empire mentionnant
la réparation d'un temple à Abydos, in: Philippe Jacques de Horrack, Oeuvres diverses,
Paris, 1907, pp. 71-82: URL
pl. V (= Louvre C 12) is between pp. 72-73 [and also between pp. 74-75!],
pl. VI (= Louvre C 11) is between pp. 32-33 [the 3rd non paginated p.]
-- Hieroglyphic texts in: Kurt Sethe, Ägyptische Lesestücke, Leipzig, 1928
[often reprinted], pp. 76-77
-- Hieroglyphic texts in: Wolfgang Helck, Historisch-biographische Texte der
2. Zwischenzeit und neue Texte der 18. Dynastie, Wiesbaden, 1983, pp. 7-9
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 781-787: URL
-- Transcription and Spanish translation by Ángel Sánchez Rodríguez: URL
King Kheops and the Magician / Papyrus Westcar (pBerlin 3033) (12/10/12)
date: dyn. 15 (date of composition: probably dyn. 12)
-- LÄ IV, 744-746, s.v. "Pap. Westcar"
-- Handdrawn facsimiles of the Hieratic text, hieroglyphic text, transcription,
English translation and commentary, composed by AEL members: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text (now standard edition): A.M. Blackman, The Story of
King Kheops and the Magicians. Transcribed from Papyrus Westcar (Berlin
Papyrus 3033), Reading, 1988
-- Hieroglyphic text, typeset by Serge Rosmorduc: URL; also as pdf-file (1.8 MB): URL
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof - 27 pp.,
pdf-file: 73 KB: URL
-- English translation: Lichtheim I, 216-222: URL
-- English translation, by Jacques Kinnaer: URL
-- English translation, from: Donald Mackenzie, Egyptian Myth and Legend (1907) - URL
-- Index to passages from the Papyrus Westcar by K.B.Saunders: URL
-- French translation in: Gaston Maspero, Les contes populaires de l'Egypte ancienne,
4th ed., Paris[, 1911], pp. 22-44: URL, URL
-- German translation in: Emma Brunner-Traut, Altägyptische Märchen, 8th ed.,
München, 1989, pp. 43-55
-- Adolf Erman, Die Sprache des Papyrus Westcar. Eine Vorarbeit zur
Grammatik der älteren ägyptischen Sprache, in: Abhandlungen der Königlichen
Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, vol. 36, pp. (1)-158 (1889) - URL
-- Recent article: Hanna Jenni, "Der Papyrus Westcar," in: SAK, vol. 25, pp. 113-141
(1998) [abstract at URL]
The Kamose Texts (12/10/12)
date: dyn. 17
-- LÄ III, 306-308, s.v. "Kamose"
a) The Carnarvon Tablet (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Ent. 41790)
-- Photograph, hieroglyphic text and English translation by Alan
H. Gardiner, "The Defeat of the Hyksos by Kamose: The Carnarvon
Tablet, No. I," in: JEA, vol. 3, pp. 95-110 (1916)
-- An improved English translation by Battiscombe Gunn, Alan
H. Gardiner, "The Expulsion of the Hyksos," in: JEA, vol. 5, pp. 36-56 (1918)
-- English translation by James B. Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern
Texts, Princeton, 1969, pp. 232-233: URL
b) The Fragments of the First Stela of Kamose (Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. no. II.I.35.I)
-- Photograph, hieroglyphic text and French translation by Pierre
Lacau, Une stèle du roi "Kamosis", in: ASAE, vol. 39, pp. 245-271
(1939), pls. XXXVII-XXXVIII
c) The Second Stela of Kamose (Luxor Museum J. 43)
-- Photograph (202 KB): URL
-- Labib Habachi, The Second Stela of Kamose, Glückstadt, 1972
d) All texts combined:
-- Hieroglyphic text of the Carnarvon Tablet and the Stelae of
Kamose (based on Wolfgang Helck, Historisch-biographische
Texte der 2. Zwischenzeit, 2nd ed., Wiesbaden, 1983, pp. 82-97),
typeset by Serge Rosmorduc: URL; as pdf-file (1.1 MB): URL
-- H.S. Smith, Alexandrina Smith, "A Reconsideration of the
Kamose Texts," in: ZÄS, vol. 103, pp. 48-76 (1976) - "The authors
offer extensive studies of the texts including a translation
with textual notes." (AEB)
-- English translation, from: Donald B. Redford, "Textual Sources for the
Hyksos Period," in: Elizier D. Oren, (ed), The Hyksos: New Historical
and Archaeological Perspectives, Philadelphia, 1997, pp. 13-15: URL
-- English translation: William Kelly Simpson (ed.), The Literature
of Ancient Egypt, 3rd ed., New Haven and London, 2003, pp. 345-350
-- German translation by Ursula Kaplony-Heckel, TUAT I, 525-534
-- Transcription, German translation and structural analysis
by Beate Hofmann, Die Königsnovelle, Wiesbaden, 2004, pp. 105-125
e) Books on the theme
-- Hans Goedicke, Studies about Kamose and Ahmose, Baltimore, 1995
The Autobiography of Ahmose, son of Abana
date: dyn. 18, reign of Hatshepsut
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. IV, 1-11: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text (drawing) in: LD III, 12 [d - b -c]: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, transcription, and Spanish translation by Ángel Sánchez Rodríguez: URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt, vol. II,
Chicago, 1906, sections 1-16, 38-39, 78-82: URL
-- English translation [Lichtheim II, 12-15]: URL
-- French translation (partial): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text and French translation: URL
-- German translation in: Kurt Sethe, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Übersetzung zu den Heften 1-4,
Leipzig, 1914, pp. 1-6: URL
-- recently: Regine Schulz, Die Biographie des Ahmose - Sohn der Abana. Versuch einer
Erzähltextanalyse, in: Dieter Kessler, Regine Schulz (eds.), Gedenkschrift für Winfried Barta.
Htp dj n Hzj, Frankfurt am Main / Berlin / Bern, 1995 [Gedenkschrift Barta], pp. 315-352 (not online).
-- recently: Omar Zuhdi, A Tale of Two Ahmoses: or How to Begin an Empire, in: KMT, vol. 11,
no. 4, pp. 50-60 (2001).
The Stela of Ahmose from Abydos / Tetisheri Stela (Cairo CG 34002)
date: dyn. 18, reign of Ahmose
-- Photograph in: Hellmut Brunner, Hieroglyphische Chrestomathie, Wiesbaden, 1965, pl. 14
-- Photograph of upper part (79 KB): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. IV, 26-29: URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. II, Chicago, 1906, sections 33-37: URL
-- German translation in: Kurt Sethe, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Übersetzung
zu den Heften 1-4, Leipzig, 1914, pp. 14-16: URL
-- Transcripton, German translation and commentary by Peter Beylage, Aufbau der königlichen
Stelentexte: vom Beginn der 18. Dynastie bis zur Amarnazeit, Wiesbaden, 2002, pp. 1-9, 559-562
-- Rolf Gundlach, Der Denkstein des Königs Ahmose. Zur Inhaltsstruktur der Königsnovelle,
in: Jan Assmann, Erika Feucht, Reinhard Grieshammer, Fragen an die altägyptische Literatur.
Studien zum Gedenken an Eberhard Otto, Wiesbaden, 1977, pp. 217-239
The Donation Stela of Ahmose-Nefertari
date: dyn. 18, reign of Ahmose
-- Drawing, French translation and commentary by Michel Gitton, La résiliation
d'une fonction religieuse: Nouvelle interprétation de la stèle de donation d'Ahmès Néfertary,
in: BIFAO, vol. 76, pp. 65-89 (1976) - pdf-file (2.5 MB): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Wolfgang Helck, Historisch-biographische Texte der 2. Zwischenzeit
und neue Texte der 18. Dynastie, 2nd rev. ed., Wiesbaden, 1983, pp. 100-103
-- Bernadette Menu, La "stèle" d'Ahmès Nefertary dans son contexte historique
et juridique. A propos de: M. Gitton, "La résiliation d'une fonction réligieuse:
nouvelle interprétation de la stéle de donation d'Ahmès Nefertary",
in: BIFAO, vol. 77, pp. 89-100 (1977) - pdf-file (1.1 MB): URL
-- Michel Gitton, Nouvelles remarques sur la stèle de donation d'Ahmes Néfertary,
in: BIFAO, vol. 79, pp. 327-331 (1979) - pdf-file (0.5 MB): URL
-- English translation by Betsy Bryan, Property and the God's Wives of Amun,
pp. 3-4 - 15 pp., pdf-file (310 KB): URL
-- Transcripton, German translation and commentary by Peter Beylage, Aufbau
der königlichen Stelentexte: vom Beginn der 18. Dynastie bis zur Amarnazeit,
Wiesbaden, 2002, pp. 403-411, 743-745
-- recently: Marcella Trapani, Une nouvelle enquête sur la stèle d'Ahmès-Néfertari,
in: ZÄS, vol. 129, pp. 152-165 (2002)
Papyrus Ebers (Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, no inv.-no.)
date: early NK
-- LÄ IV, 704, s.v. "Papyrus Ebers"
-- Description by Reinhold Scholl of the University of Leipzig: URL
see also his pamphlet: Reinhold Scholl, Der Papyrus Ebers. Die größte
Buchrolle zur Heilkunde Altägyptens, Leipzig, 2002
-- Description and bibliography: URL
-- Photographs of the papyrus made during the exhibition in Leipzig, 2002: URL
-- Facsimile of the Hieratic papyrus in: Georg Ebers, Papyros Ebers. Das
Hermetische Buch über die Arzneimittel der alten Ägypter in hieratischer
Schrift, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1875
- vol. 1: Einleitung und Text. VIII, 36 pp., 69 pls.: URL
- vol. 2: Glossar und Text. VIII, 63 pp., 41 pls.: URL
a) Medical text
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Walter Wreszinski, Der Papyrus Ebers. Umschrift,
Übersetzung und Kommentar, 1. Teil: Umschrift, Leipzig, 1913. IV, 228 pp.
Wreszinski's translation and commentary were never published.
- title: URL
- overview: URL
-- B/W facsimile, hieratic text, hieroglyphic text and German translation: URL
(for a description of this website, see end of this section).
-- English translation of a selection of spells: URL
-- A selection of spells with handdrawn facsimiles (hieroglyphic text in
some cases) and German translation: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text [Kurt Sethe, Ägyptische Lesestücke zum Gebrauch
für den akademischen Unterricht", 2nd ed., Leipzig, 1928 (reprinted
often), pp. 58-60, section 9 "Aus einem anatomisch-physiologischen Buch
über das Herz" Ebers 99,1 - 100,14], transcription and German translation: URL
-- English translation by Bendix Ebbell, The Papyrus Ebers. The
Greatest Egyptian Medical Document, Copenhagen, 1937
-- English translation by Paul Ghalioungui, The Ebers Papyrus. A New
English Translation, Commentaries and Glossaries, Cairo, 1987
-- French translation by Thierry Bardinet, Les papyrus médicaux de
l'Égypte pharaonique. Traduction intégrale et commentaire, Paris,
Fayard, 1995, pp. 251-373, 443-446
-- German translation by Heinrich Joachim, Papyros Ebers. Das älteste
Buch über Heilkunde, Leipzig, 1890. XX, 214 pp. ["... Übersetzung
des ganzen Papyrus von Joachim. Diese ist niemals gut gewesen ..."
Wreszinski)]: URL
-- German translation by Wolfhart Westendorf, Handbuch der
altägyptischen Medizin, vol. 2, Leiden /Boston / Köln, 1999,
pp. 547-710 - online readable only, not all pp. are available: URL
-- "Medizinische Schriften der Alten Ägypter": URL
German website devoted to the medical writings of the Ancient Egyptians. Many medical papyri
and ostraca
are shown as drawings (if available) with Hieroglyphic text and German translation.
(The site includes the translation of a passage of the new medical papyrus of the Louvre, displayed
in 2006 for the first time: URL. A French translation
by Marc Etienne
of the same passage is in the press release of the Louvre, p. 4 - pdf-file (350 KB): URL)
-- Color photographs of all fragments of pEbers at different
resolutions (72, 100, 300 dpi): URL
-- Section "Papyrus Ebers" of "Ägyptologische Literatur - digital" of
the University of Heidelberg: URL
-- Online works by Georg Ebers:
- Georg Ebers, Papyros Ebers. Das Hermetische Buch über die Arzeneimittel der
alten Ägypter in hieratischer Schrift, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1875:
vol. 1: Einleitung und Text. - VIII, 36 pp., 69 pls. - pdf-file (9 MB) URL
[alternative: pdf-file (100 MB): URL]
vol. 2: Glossar und Text. - VIII, 63 pp., 41 pls. - pdf-file (25 MB) URL
- Georg Ebers, Papyrus Ebers. Die Maasse und das Kapitel
über die Augenkrankheiten, Erster Theil: Die Gewichte und
Hohlmaasse des Papyrus Ebers, Leipzig, 1889. Offprint of:
Abhandlungen der Königlich-Sächsischen Gesellschaft der
Wissenschaften, vol. 25 = philologisch-historische Classe,
vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 133-198 (1889) - pdf-file (12 MB): URL
Georg Ebers, Papyrus Ebers. Die Maasse und das Kapitel über die
Augenkrankheiten, Zweiter Theil: Das Kapitel über die
Augenkrankheiten im Papyrus Ebers. T. LV, 2 - LXIV, 13.
Umschrift, Übersetzung und Commentar, Leipzig, 1889.
Offprint of: Abhandlungen der Königlich-Sächsischen Gesellschaft
der Wissenschaften, vol. 25 = philologisch-historische Classe,
vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 201-336 (1889) - pdf-file (18 MB): URL
[Another online version of both parts - pdf-file (11 MB) [PDF]: URL
- Georg Ebers, Die Körpertheile. Ihre Bedeutung und Namen im
Altägyptischen, München, 1897. Offprint of : Abhandlungen der
Königlich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,
Philosophisch-philologische Classe, Band 21, Abtheilung 1,
1897 (1901), pp. 79-174 - pdf-file (5.6 MB) [PDF]: URL
b) Calender
-- Hieratic text in Georg Ebers, Papyros Ebers, vol. 1, Leipzig, 1875
[see under a)], plate preceding pl. I
-- Hieroglyphic text in Urk. IV, 44: URL
-- English translation and discussion by Marshall Clagett, Ancient Egyptian
Science. A Source Book, vol. II: Calendars, Clocks, and Astronomy,
Philadelphia, 1995, pp. 37-48, 193-216, figs. III.10-III.12 - online
readable only: URL
-- German translation by Kurt Sethe, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie.
Übersetzung zu den Heften 1-4, Leipzig, 1914, p. 23: URL
The Coronation Announcement of Thutmosis I (Cairo CG 34006, Berlin 13726)
date: dyn. 18, reign of Thutmosis I
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. IV, 79-81: URL
only these 3 pages - pdf-file (82 KB): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text (typeset) [= Urk. IV, 80,7-81,4]: URL, URL
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof - 3 pp., pdf-file (15 KB): URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. II, Chicago, 1906, sections 54-60: URL
-- French translation: URL
-- German translation in: Kurt Sethe, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Übersetzung
zu den Heften 1-4, Leipzig, 1914, pp. 41-42: URL
-- recently: Andrea Klug, Königliche Stelen in der Zeit von Ahmose bis
Amenophis III, Brepols, 2002, pp. 65-70
The Abydos Stela of Thutmose I (Cairo CG 34007)
date: dyn. 18, reign of Thutmose I
-- Drawing in: Auguste Mariette, Abydos. Description des fouilles exécutées
sur l'emplacement de cette ville, tome deuxième, Paris, 1880, pl. 31 (1.2 MB): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. IV, 94-103: URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. II, Chicago, 1906, sections 90-98: URL
-- German translation by Kurt Sethe, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Übersetzung
zu den Heften 1-4, Leipzig, 1914, pp. 48-52: URL
-- Transcription, German translation and commentary by Beate Hofmann,
Die Königsnovelle. "Strukturanalyse am Einzelwerk", Wiesbaden, 2004, pp. 132-140
The Northampton Stela of General Djehuty
date: dyn. 18, reign of Hatshepsut
-- Photograph in: William Compton Northampton, Marquis of, Report on some excavations
in the Theban necropolis during the winter of 1898-9, London, 1908, pl. I: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. IV, 419-431: URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt, vol. II,
Chicago, 1906, sections 369-378: URL
-- Spanish translation (click on no. 8 and scroll down): URL
The Obelisk Inscriptions of Queen Hatshepsut in the temple of Karnak
date: dyn. 18, reign of Hatshepsut
-- Unusual photographic view of the obelisk: URL
-- Drawings: LD II, 22-24: URL
[22: standing obelisk (N, W); 23: standing obelisk (S, E); 24: fallen obelisk (24 a-c), base inscription (24 d)]
-- Photograph of the base inscription - Western side (70 KB): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. IV, 357-373: URL
-- English translation (shaft inscriptions and base inscription of the standing obelisk,
base inscription of the fallen obelisk) in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of
Egypt, vol. II, Chicago, 1906, sections 304-321: URL
-- English translation (shaft inscriptions and base inscription of the
standing obelisk): Lichtheim II, 25-29
-- Hieroglyphic text of the standing obelisk: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, photograph, transliteration and English translation of
the inscriptions of the standing obelisk: URL
-- same website with Spanish translation: URL
-- French translation of the base inscription (partial): URL
-- Description, including a German translation of the shaft inscriptions of
the standing obelisk [based on: Elke Blumenthal, Ingeborg Müller, Walter F.
Reineke, Adelheid Burkhardt (eds.), Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Übersetzung
zu den Heften 5-16, Berlin, 1984, pp. 29-30]: URL
-- German translation of the base inscription: TUAT II, 545-548
-- William Stevenson Smith, Two Fragments from Hatshepsut's Karnak Obelisk,in: Bulletin
of the Museum of Fine Arts [in Boston], vol. XL, pp. 45-49 (1942) - pdf-file: 2 MB: URL
Dedication of the Obelisks by Hatshepsut (block 302 of the Red Chapel)
date: dyn. 18, reign of Hatshepsut
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. IV, 374-375: URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. II, Chicago, 1906, section 305: URL
-- Photograph and English translation: URL
-- Photograph and German translation: URL
Graffito of Senenmut in Sehel concerning his work on Hatshepsut's obelisks [lost pair]
date: dyn. 18, reign of Hatshepsut
-- Drawing and English translation [based on: Dariusz Niedziólka, Some
Remarks on the Graffito of Senenmut at Aswan, Proceedings of the First
Central European Conference of Young Egyptologists. Egypt 1999: Perspectives
of Research, Warsaw 7-9 June 1999, Warsaw, 1999, pp. 85-104]: URL
-- Drawing and German translation: URL
The Myth of the Divine Birth
a) Deir el-Bahari version (Hatshepsut) [D]
date: dyn. 18, reign of Hatshepsut
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. IV, 216-234 - pdf-file: 0.9 MB: URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. II, Chicago, 1906, sections 187-212: URL
-- Drawings [= Édouard Naville, The temple of Deir el Bahari, Part II;
London, 1896, pls. XLVI-LV] and English description: URL
-- the same with German description: URL
-- Drawings [= Arne Eggebrecht (ed.), L'Égypte Ancienne, Paris, 1986, p. 122]
and French translation (partial) [= Claire Lalouette, Textes sacrés et textes profanes
de l'ancienne Égypte, vol. 1, Paris, 1984, pp. 30-35]: URL
-- German translation in: Kurt Sethe, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Übersetzung
zu den Heften 1-4, Leipzig, 1914, pp. 100-109: URL
-- German translation in: TUAT III, 991-1005
b) Luxor version (Amenophis III) [L]
date: dyn. 18, reign of Amenophis III
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. IV, 1713-1721 - pdf-file: URL
-- Drawings: LD III, 74-75: URL
-- English translation by Benedict G. Davies, Egyptian Historical Records of
the Later Eighteenth Dynasty, Fascicle IV, Translated from W. Helck,
Urkunden der 18. Dynastie, Heft 20, Warminster, 1992
-- German translation by Wolfgang Helck, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie.
Übersetzung zu den Heften 17-22, Berlin, 1984, pp. 224-228
c) Ramesseum version (Ramesses II) [M]
date: dyn. 19, reign of Ramesses II
-- Hieroglyphic text: KRI II, 665-667; English translation: RITA II,
446-447; commentary: RITANC II, 440-441
d) Karnak version (temple of Khons pa khered) [K]
date: dyn. 21/22 (Nagel) / dyn.28, reign of Thutmosis IV (Brunner)
-- Photographs: URL
e) Basic book on the theme:
Hellmut Brunner, Die Geburt des Gottkönigs. Studien zur Überlieferung
eines altägyptischen Mythos, 2nd rev. ed., Wiesbaden, 1986.
[ ] above designates the versions according to Brunner's lettering.
The Speos Artemidos Inscription of Hatshepsut
date: dyn. 18, reign of Queen Hatshepsut
-- LÄ V, 1138-1139, s.v. "Speos Artemidos"
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. IV, 383-391: URL
also as a separate pdf-file (216 KB): URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. II, Chicago, 1906, sections 296-303: URL
-- English translation based on James P. Allen, The Speos Artemidos Inscription
of Hatshepsut, in: BES, vol. 16, pp.1-17 (2002) and bibliography: URL
-- French translation of lines 35-39 only: URL
-- German translation in: Elke Blumenthal, Ingeborg Müller, Walter F. Reineke,
Adelheid Burkhardt (eds.), Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Übersetzung zu den
Heften 5-16, Berlin, 1984, pp. 41-47
-- Book on the theme: Hans Goedicke, The Speos Artemidos Inscription of
Hatshepsut and Related Discussions, Baltimore, 2004
The Poetical Stela of Thutmosis III (CG 34010)
date: dyn. 18, reign of Thutmosis III
-- Photograph in: Kurt Lange, Max Hirmer, Ägypten, München, 1978, pl. 143
(German translation, pp. 86-88)
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. IV, 610-619: pdf-file - URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. II, Chicago, 1906, sections 655-662: URL
-- English translation [Lichtheim II, 35-39]: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text and French translation: URL
-- recently: Jürgen Osing, Zur 'Poetischen Stele' Thutmosis' III., in: Jan Assmann,
Elke Blumenthal (eds.), Literatur und Politik im pharaonischen und ptolemäischen
Ägypten, Le Caire, 1998, pp. 75-86
-- recently: Andrea Klug, Königliche Stelen in der Zeit von Ahmose bis
Amenophis III, Brepols, 2002, pp. 111-120
The Temple Festival Calendar of Thutmosis III in Karnak, South of the
granite sanctuary
date: dyn. 18, reign of Thutmosis III
-- Drawing in: Auguste Mariette, Karnak. Étude topographique et
archéologique avec un appendice comprenant les principaux textes
hiéroglyphiques découverts ou recueillis pendant les fouilles exécutées à
Karnak. Planches, Leipzig, 1875, pl. 14 (320 KB), pl. 15 (580 KB),
pl. 16 (470 KB): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. IV, 155-176 (introductory speech); 176-177
(calendar proper): URL
-- English translation by Sherif el-Sabban, Temple Festival Calendars of
Ancient Egypt, Liverpool, 2002, pp. 17-19 (part of the introductory speech
by the King and his court; the calendar proper)
-- French translation - of the calendar only - by Auguste Mariette, Karnak.
Étude topographique et archéologique avec un appendice comprenant les
principaux textes hiéroglyphiques découverts ou recueillis pendant les
fouilles exécutées à Karnak. Texte, Leipzig, 1875, pp. 48-52
p. 48 (234 KB), then click "->>": URL
-- German translation in: Kurt Sethe, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Übersetzung
zu den Heften 1-4, Leipzig, 1914, pp. 75-84: URL
The King-list of Thutmosis III in Karnak (now: Louvre E 13481bis)
A list of 61 kings, some of their names are now lost.
date: dyn. 18, reign of Thutmosis III
-- Low resolution photographs (58 / 63 / 53 KB): URL; URL;
High resolution photographs are available from: URL
-- Drawing by Émile Prisse d'Avennes, taken from Émile Prisse d'Avennes [fils],
Le papyrus à l'époque pharaonique et fac-similé du plus ancien manuscrit du
monde entier en caractères hiératiques archaïques, ou Papyrus Prisse d'Avennes,
Avesnes, 1926, which is obviously the one already published as pl. I in
Émile Prisse d'Avennes, Monuments égyptiens, Paris, 1847: URL
-- Drawing in: Richard Lepsius, Über die zwölfte Aegyptische Königsdynastie,
in: Abhandlungen der Königlichen Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu
Berlin 1852 (1853), S. Philol.-hist., pp. 425-453, 3 pls.: URL
The drawing is on pl. I - without the additions which Lepsius had made to a plate
published in 1842 and which were also used in the drawing of Prisse d'Avennes; see
discussion on pp. 430-432, especially fn. 2 - pl. I (22 KB): URL
You may also download a high-resolution version of this plate (tiff-version: 19.6 MB!): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. IV, 607-610: pdf-file - URL
-- Transcription and French translation by Mostafa el-Alfi, La Liste de Rois
de Karnak, in: DE, vol. 19, pp. 29-36 (1991)
-- German translation by Elke Blumenthal in: Elke Blumenthal, Ingeborg
Müller, Walter F. Reineke, Adelheid Burkhardt (eds.), Urkunden der 18.
Dynastie. Übersetzung zu den Heften 5-16, Berlin, 1984, pp. 167-171
-- Dietrich Wildung [et al.], Aufbau und Zweckbestimmung der Königsliste von
Karnak, in: GM, no. 9, pp. 41-48 (1974)
-- Émile Prisse d'Avennes et la chambre des ancêtres de Thoutmosis III: URL
-- Summary and commentary of all king-lists:
Donald B. Redford, Pharaonic King-Lists, Annals and Day-Books. A Contribution
to the Study of the Egyptian Sense of History, Mississauga, 1986, this list on pp. 29-34
The Obelisk of Thutmosis III from Heliopolis, now in New York
date: dyn. 18, reign of Thutmosis III
-- Description: URL
-- Drawings in: Champollion Le Jeune, Monuments de l'Égypte et de
la Nubie, vol. 4, Paris, 1845, pl. 444: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. IV, 592-594: pdf-file - URL
-- Charles E. Moldenke, The New York Obelisk. Cleopatra's Needle.
With a Preliminary Sketch of the History, Erection, Uses, and
Signification of Obelisks, New York, 1891 - VIII, 202 pp.
pdf-file (B/W: 11 MB): URL
"In the metropolis of the Western Hemisphere one of Egypt's
grandest treasures meets our eyes and, though silent, reminds
us of her former greatness. Here stands a monument of two
of her greatest Pharaohs, lords and conquerors, scourges of
their people, and a terror to their foes ..."
-- English translation (partial) in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient
Records of Egypt, vol. II, Chicago, 1906, sections 634-636: URL
-- German translation in: Elke Blumenthal, Ingeborg Müller, Walter
F. Reineke, Adelheid Burkhardt (eds.), Urkunden der 18. Dynastie.
Übersetzung zu den Heften 5-16, Berlin, 1984, pp. 156-157
The Obelisk of Thutmosis III, now in Istanbul
Originally erected South of the 7th pylon of the temple of Karnak.
date: dyn. 18, reign of Thutmosis III
a) The obelisk itself [representing 2/3 of its original height]
-- Drawing in: Johann Christoph Volkamer, Obeliscus Constantinopolitanus
oder kurtze Erklärung des zu Constantinopol auf der Renn-Bahn stehenden, nun
aber auch in der nürnbergischen Vorstadt Gostenhof nachgehauenen und
aufgerichteten Obelisci, Nürnberg, 1708, pl. (61 KB): URL
-- Drawing in an early travel report: Carsten Niebuhr, Voyage en Arabie et en d'autres
pays circonvoisins, vol. 1, Amsterdam-Utrecht, 1776, pl. IV (655 KB): URL
-- Drawing in LD III, 60: URL
-- Photographs, hieroglyphic text, transcription and English translation by
John Sarr - 5 pp., pdf-file (380 KB): URL
-- Photographs and hieroglyphic text: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in Urk. IV, 586-589 - Note on the original place of the
obelisk on pp. 587-589: pdf-file - URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. II, Chicago, 1906, sections 629-631: URL
-- German translation by Elke Blumenthal in: Elke Blumenthal, Ingeborg Müller,
Walter F. Reineke, Adelheid Burkhardt (eds.), Urkunden der 18. Dynastie.
Übersetzung zu den Heften 5-16, Berlin, 1984, pp. 152-153.
b) Fragment of a obelisk in Karnak, belonging to the one in Istanbul or
to its companion
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. IV, 589: URL
-- German translation by Elke Blumenthal in: Elke Blumenthal, Ingeborg Müller,
Walter F. Reineke, Adelheid Burkhardt (eds.), Urkunden der 18. Dynastie.
Übersetzung zu den Heften 5-16, Berlin, 1984, p. 154.
c) This obelisk is also mentioned by Thutmosis III in a relief in Karnak
where he is presenting gifts to Amun (the right one is obviously related to
the Istanbul obelisk).
-- Drawing in: Walter Wreszinski, Atlas zur altägyptischen Kulturgeschichte,
vol. 2, Leipzig, 1935, pl. 33: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. IV, 641-643: pdf-file - URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. II, Chicago, 1906, section 624: URL
-- German translation by Elke Blumenthal in: Elke Blumenthal, Ingeborg Müller,
Walter F. Reineke, Adelheid Burkhardt (eds.), Urkunden der 18. Dynastie.
Übersetzung zu den Heften 5-16, Berlin, 1984, pp. 187-188.
d) Books on the theme
-- Gerda Bruns, Der Obelisk und seine Basis auf dem Hippodrom zu
Konstantinopel, in: Istanbuler Forschungen, vol. 7 (1925)
-- Erik Iversen, Obelisks in Exile, Vol. II: The Obelisks of Istanbul and
England, Copenhagen, 1972, chapter: "The Hippodrome Obelisk", pp. 9-33
The Battle of Megiddo
date: dyn. 18, reign of Thutmose III, year 22-23
-- LÄ IV, 1-3, s.v. "Megiddo"
a) Annals of Thutmose III
-- Drawings in: LD III, 31b-32: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text (partial; used by Sethe in Urk. IV to restore readings)
in: Champollion Le Jeune, Monuments de l'Égypte et de la Nubie: notices
descriptives conformes aux manuscrits autographes rédigés sur les lieux,
vol. 2, Paris, [1889], pp. 154-159; p. 154 (ca. 100 KB): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. IV, 645-667: pdf-file - URL
-- Hieroglyphic text and French translation by Pietro Testa and Anna Buonanno: URL
-- Early English translation by Samuel Birch, Account of the Battle of Megiddo,
in: Records of the Past, vol. II, London, [1874], pp. 29-43 - pdf-file: 480 KB: URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. II, Chicago, 1906, sections 407-437: URL, URL
-- English translation: Lichtheim II, 29-35: URL
-- German translation in: Elke Blumenthal, Ingeborg Müller, Walter F. Reineke,
Adelheid Burkhardt (eds.), Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Übersetzung zu den Heften 5-16,
Berlin, 1984, pp. 188-197
-- German translation by Heike Sternberg-el Hotabi, in: TUAT-NF 2, 212-220
b) Gebel Barkal Stela (Boston MFA 23.733), lines 18-27
-- Photograph: URL
high resolution (326 KB): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. IV, 1234-1236
-- Hieroglyphic text (based on Urk. IV), transcription (Arial Unicode MS) and German translation
p. 1234: URL
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof - 14 pp., pdf-file (48 KB): URL
-- German translation by Wolfgang Helck, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Übersetzung zu
den Heften 17-22, Berlin, 1984, pp. 8-9
c) Armant Stela (Cairo JE 67377), lines 11-15
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. IV, 1246-1247
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof - 5 pp., pdf-file (22 KB): URL
-- German translation by Wolfgang Helck, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Übersetzung zu
den Heften 17-22, Berlin, 1984, pp. 14
d) Books on the theme
-- Hans Goedicke, The Battle of Megiddo, Halgo, Baltimore, 2001
-- Donald B. Redford, The Wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III, Brill, Leiden, 2003
The Armant Stela of Thutmosis III (Cairo JE 67377)
date: dyn. 18, reign of Thutmose III
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. IV, 1243-1247; also: de Buck, Egyptian
Readingbook, Leiden, 1970, pp. 64-65
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof - pdf-file (22 KB): URL
-- English translation: URL
-- The first drawing of the stela, which appeared in R. Mond and
O. Myers, Temples of Armant. A preliminary Survey, London (EES Memoir 43),
1940, pl. 103, was reprinted in Eric H. Cline, David O'Connor (eds.),
Thutmose III. A Biography, Ann Arbor, 2006, fig. 12.7
-- recently: Transcription, German translation and commentary by
Andrea Klug, Königliche Stelen in der Zeit von Ahmose bis
Amenophis III, Brepols, 2002, pp. 151-158
-- recently: Transcripton, German translation and commentary by Peter Beylage,
Aufbau der königlichen Stelentexte: vom Beginn der 18. Dynastie bis zur
Amarnazeit, Wiesbaden, 2002, pp. 157-169, 648-651
The Gebel Barkal Stela (Boston MFA 23.733)
date: dyn. 18, reign of Thutmosis III
-- Photographs (zoomable): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk IV, 1227-1243
-- Hieroglyphic text (based on Urk. IV), transcription and German translation: URL
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof - 14 pp.,
pdf-file (48 KB): URL
-- English translation and textual analysis by Donald B. Redford,
The Wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III, Leiden / Boston,
2003, pp. 103-119
-- English translation (partial): URL
-- M. E. Chioffi, A. Elli, G. M. C. Rigamonti, Thutmosi III. La Stele di
Gebel Barkal, Massa, 2007 - hieroglyphic text, transcription and Italian
translation. info: URL
-- German translation by Wolfgang Helck, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie.
Übersetzung zu den Heften 17-22, Berlin, 1984, pp. 5-12
-- Transcription, German translation and commentary by Andrea Klug,
Königliche Stelen in der Zeit von Ahmose bis Amenophis III, Brepols,
2002, pp. 193-208
-- Transcripton, German translation and commentary by Peter Beylage,
Aufbau der königlichen Stelentexte: vom Beginn der 18. Dynastie bis
zur Amarnazeit, Wiesbaden, 2002, pp. 172-203, 652-671
The Canal Inscription of Thutmosis III
date: dyn. 18, reign of Thutmosis III, year 50
-- Drawing in: J. de Morgan, U. Bouriant, G. Legrain,
G. Jéquier, A. Barsanti, Catalogue des monuments et inscriptions
de l'Egypte antique. Première série, Haute Egypte. vol. I,
Vienne, 1894, p. 85, no. 18: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. IV, 814-815: pdf-file - URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: A. de Buck, Egyptian Readingbook.
Exercises and Middle Egyptian Texts, Leiden, 1970, p. 46
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof -
2 pp., pdf-file (12 KB): URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records
of Egypt, vol. II, Chicago, 1906, sections 649-650: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text (based on Urk. IV) and French translation:
-- German translation by Frank Steinmann in: Elke Blumenthal,
Ingeborg Müller, Walter F. Reineke, Adelheid Burkhardt (eds.),
Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Übersetzung zu den Heften 5-16,
Berlin, 1984, pp. 263-264
-- Transcription, German translation and commentary by Andrea
Klug, Königliche Stelen in der Zeit von Ahmose bis Amenophis III,
Brepols, 2002, pp. 165-166
The Dream Stela of Thutmosis IV
date: dyn. 18, reign of Thutmosis IV
-- Drawing of the stela: LD III, 68: URL
-- A nice drawing of the situation at the time of the Lepsius expedition (0.1 MB): URL
-- Photograph of the stela (0.4 MB): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. IV, 1539a-1544 - URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. II, Chicago, 1906, sections 810-815: URL
Also available at URL
-- Transliteration, English translation and commentary of the dream section
only (lines 8-13) in: Appendix of Texts used in Szpakowska, Kasia. Behind
Closed Eyes: Dreams and Nightmares in Ancient Egypt. Swansea: The Classical
Press of Wales, 2003, pp. 12-14 [in a pdf-file: 0.4 MB]: URL
-- German translation in: Christine El-Mahdy: Tutanchamun - Leben und
Sterben des jungen Pharaos, München, 2000 [based on: Wolfgang Helck, Urkunden
der 18. Dynastie. Übersetzung zu den Heften 17-22, Berlin, 1984, pp. 140-143]; available at: URL
-- French translation in: François Chabas, Oeuvres diverses, vol. 5, Paris,
1909, pp. 475-479 [BA 5283: original publication date: 1883]: URL
-- Some other English translations at URL (based on Urk),
URL, URL (based on Urk), URL
-- The Stela is discussed in: Christiane Zivie-Coche, Sphinx: History of a Monument (Cornell University Press, 2002)
-- recently: Andrea Klug, Königliche Stelen in der Zeit von Ahmose bis
Amenophis III, Brepols, 2002, pp. 296-304
The Konosso Stela of Thutmosis IV
date: dyn. 18, reign of Thutmosis IV, year 8
-- Hieroglyphic text in: J. de Morgan, U. Bouriant, G. Legrain, G. Jéquier,
A. Barsanti, Catalogue des monuments et inscriptions de l'Egypte antique.
Première série, Haute Egypte. Tome premier, de la frontière de Nubie
à Kom Ombos, Adolphe Holzhausen, Vienne, 1894, pp. 65-67: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. IV, 1545-1548: URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. II, Chicago, 1906, sections 823-829: URL
-- English translation by Barbara Cumming, Egyptian Historical Records
of the Eighteenth Dynasty, Fascicle 3, Warminster, 1984, pp. 251-252
-- German translation by Frank Kammerzell in: TUAT II, 111-112
-- Transcription, German translation and commentary by Andrea Klug,
Königliche Stelen in der Zeit von Ahmose bis Amenophis III, Brepols, 2002, pp. 345-352
-- Transcription and German translation by Peter Beylage, Aufbau der
königlichen Stelentexte der 18. Dynastie bis zur Amarnazeit, Teil 1:
Transkription und Übersetzung der Texte, Wiesbaden, 2002, pp. 29-37
-- Transcription, German translation and analysis by Beate Hofmann,
Die Königsnovelle. "Strukturanalyse am Einzelwerk", Wiesbaden, 2004, pp. 269-276
The Stela of Suti and Hor (BM EA 826)
date: dyn. 18, reign of Amenophis III
-- BM fact-sheet with photos: URL
-- Photograph and hieroglyphic text in: I. E. S. Edwards, British Museum.
Hieroglyphic Texts from Egyptian Stelae, etc., Part VIII, London, 1939,
pp. 22-25, pl. XXI
-- Photographs, hieroglyphic text and French translation by Alexandre
Varille, L'hymne au soleil des architectes d'Aménophis III Souti et Hor, in:
BIFAO, vol. 41, pp. 25-30 (1941) - pdf-file: 1.2 MB: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. IV, 1943-1947 - URL
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof - 6 pp.,
pdf-file: 38 KB: URL
-- English translation by E.A.W. Budge, Tutankhamen. Amenism, Atenism and
Egyptian Monotheism, New York, 1923, pp. 46-54: URL
-- English translation in: Lichtheim II, 86-89
-- German translation (first and second hymn) by Jan Assmann, in: TUAT II,
844-846 [similar: ÄHG, no. 89]
-- Italian translation (partial): URL
-- Online version of: Steven Blake Shubert, Double Entendre in the Stela of
Suty and Hor, in: Gary N. Knoppers, Antoine Hirsch (eds.), Egypt, Israel,
and the Ancient Mediterranean World. Studies in Honor of Donald B. Redford
[Festschrift Redford], Leiden, 2004, pp. 143-165 - pdf-file: 200 KB: URL
The Commemorative Scarabs of Amenophis III
date: dyn. 18, reign of Amenophis III
-- Photographs, hieroglyphic text [= A. de Buck, Egyptian Readingbook,
Leiden, 1970, pp. 65-67], transcription and English translation - 7 pp.,
pdf-file: 750 KB: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. IV, 1737-1741 - URL
-- Early English translation by Samuel Birch, Scarabaei of Amenophis III.,
in: Records of the Past, vol. XII, London, [1881], pp. 37-41 - pdf-file: 195 KB: URL
-- English translation by: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. II, Chicago, 1906, sections 860-869: URL
-- German translation [said to have been translated by Christine El-Mahdy,
Tutanchamun - Leben und Sterben des jungen Pharaos, München, 2000, but in
fact the translations are from Wolfgang Helck, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie.
Übersetzung zu den Heften 17-22, Berlin, 1961, pp. 234-235]: URL
a) "Marriage" Scarabs
-- Photograph of Louvre N 787 A: URL
-- Drawing of Louvre, N 787 A in: Ippolito Rosellini, Monumenti dell'Egitto
e della Nubia, vol. I: Monumenti storici, Pisa, 1832, pl. XLIV, 1 reproduced in:
The Century, vol. 34, issue 1, p. 17 (1887) - 185 KB : URL
-- Drawing of Louvre, N 787 E in: Eduard Naville (ed.), Denkmäler aus
Aegypten und Aethiopien, Text, vol. 1, Leipzig, 1897, p. 11: URL
-- Photograph of University College London UCL 12259 (upper side only)
and English translation: URL
-- Photograph of Museo Civico, Bologna KS 2454: URL
b) Wild Bull-Hunt Scarabs
-- Photograph of BM 55585 in: E. A. Wallis Budge, Tutankhamen: Amenism,
Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism, New York, 1923, pl. VI: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text and English translation, based on Sir Wallis Budge,
The Dwellers on the Nile, London, 1926: URL
-- Photograph of Cleveland Museum of Art 1984.36 and English translation: URL
c) Lion-Hunt Scarabs
-- Photograph of Louvre N 788: URL
-- Photograph of Metropolitan Museum of Art 26.7.264 [on the left; on the
right: a "marriage" scarab, no. 10.130.1643; behind, not be recognized: a
lake scarab, no. 35.2.1 - see below]: URL
-- Photographs of Portland Art Museum 29.16.114a/b and English translation: URL
-- Photograph of Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: Sears Fund with additions 04.1810: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text and French translation of Louvre N 787 B in: Paul Pierret,
Recueil d'inscriptions inédites du musée égyptien du Louvre, Paris, 1874, pp. 87-88
[number of lions is given with 102 instead of 110!]
p. 87 (84 KB): URL, p. 88 (70 KB): URL
d) Gilukhepa Scarabs
-- no additional information found on the internet
e) Lake Scarabs
-- Photograph of Metropolitan Museum of Art 35.2.1 [said to be a "marriage" scarab
on the website]: URL
-- Photograph of Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: Seth K. Sweetser Fund 1972.873: URL
-- Photograph of University College London UCL 12262 (fragment only) and
English translation: URL
f) Basic book on the theme:
C. Blankenberg-van Delden, The Large Commemorative Scarabs of Amenhotep III, Leiden, 1969
Hymns to the Aten
a) The Great Hymn to the Aten in the tomb of Ay in Tell el-Amarna (no. 25)
date: dyn. 18, reign of Amenophis IV / Akhenaton [date of composition]
-- Drawing in: Norman de G. Davies, The Rock Tombs of El Amarna, vol. VI:
The Tombs of Parennefer, Tutu and Aÿ, London, 1908, pl. XXVII: URL
-- Same drawing (370 KB), hieroglyphic text (low resolution: 110 KB; high
resolution: 1.1 MB): URL
-- English translation by D. Winton Thomas, Documents from Old Testament
Times, London, 1958 in the libretto of Philip Glass's opera "Akhnaten"
(1987) [Act II, Scene 4]: URL
-- English translation by James B. Pritchard (ed.), The Ancient Near East,
vol. 1: An Anthology of Texts and Pictures, Princeton, New Jersey, 1958, pp.227-230: URL
-- English translation [= Lichtheim II, 96-100]: URL
-- English translation by Erik Hornung, Akhenaten and the Religion of Light,
Ithaca, 1999 in the Appendix of Leon F. "Skip" Rowland, Origins of
Leadership: Akhenaten, Ancient Leadership and Sacred Texts, in: Selected
Proceedings from the 2003 annual conference of the International Leadership
Association, November 6-8, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico - 18 pp., pdf-file: 270 KB: URL
-- French translation: URL
-- French translation by P. Gilbert [the hieroglyphic links are to the AEL version]: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, transcription and German translation: URL
-- German translation by Jan Assmann: TUAT II, 848-853 [similar: ÄHG, no. 92]: URL
-- German translation by Erik Hornung, Altägyptische Dichtung, Stuttgart, 1996, pp. 129-133: URL
-- Photograph, drawing and Spanish translation by Teresa Soria Trastoy: URL
-- Spanish translation by Francisco López: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, transcription and Italian translation: URL
-- Dutch translation: URL
b) The Small Hymn to the Aten
date: dyn. 18, reign of Amenophis IV / Akhenaton [date of composition]
-- Drawing of the Meryra version (80 KB) [= Norman de G. Davies, The Rock
Tombs of El Amarna, vol. I: The Tomb of Meryra, London, 1903, pl. XXXVII]: URL
-- Drawing of the Tutu version (52 KB) [= Norman de G. Davies, The Rock
Tombs of El Amarna, vol. VI: The Tombs of Parennefer, Tutu and Aÿ, London,
1908, pl. XVI]: URL
-- Collation of all versions of the Small Hymn to the Aten in: Norman de G.
Davies, The Rock Tombs of El Amarna, vol. IV: The Tombs of Penthu, Mahu and
Others, London, 1906, pls. XXXII-XXXIII and Maj Sandman, Texts from the Time
of Akhenaten, Bruxelles, 1938 (BAe VIII), pp. 10-15
-- English translation by E.A.W. Budge, Tutankhamen: Amenism, Atenism and
Egyptian Monotheism, New York, 1923, pp. 116-121: URL
-- English translation, made from the synoptic text based on the Apy
version: Lichtheim II, 90-92: URL
-- French translation: URL
-- German translation by Jan Assmann: TUAT II, 846-848 [similar: ÄHG, no. 91]
-- Spanish translation of the Apy version by Francisco López: URL
c) Books on the theme:
-- Pierre Grandet, Hymnes de la religion d'Aton (Hymnes du XIVe siècle avant J.C.), Paris, 1995
-- Echnaton, Sonnenhymnen. Ägyptisch/Deutsch, Philipp Reclam jun., Stuttgart, 2007. Pb., 128 pp.,
ills. ISBN: 978-3-15-018492-9, price: EUR 3.60 -. Hieroglyphic text and German translation of
the Great Hymn and the Small Hymn to the Aton, edited and translated by Christian Beyer (info)
The Boundary Stelae of Amarna
date: dyn. 18, reign of Akhenaten
a) The Earlier Proclamation
Only about one-third of the text is intact.
-- Drawing - lunette and 25 lines of text - in LD III, 110b [Stela K]: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. IV, 1965-1980
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. II, Chicago, 1906, sections 952-957 ["the portions he (Breasted) did
include give only a very imprecise ideas of its contents" (Murnane, van
Siclen III, p. 6)]: URL
-- English translation by William J. Murnane, Texts from the Amarna
Period in Egypt, Atlanta, Georgia, 1995, pp. 73-81
-- German translation by Wolfgang Helck, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie.
Übersetzung zu den Heften 17-22, Berlin, 1984, pp. 338-344
b) The Later Proclamation
-- Photograph of Stela S ["... the finest of all Akhenaten's boundary
monuments" (Murnane, van Siclen III, p. 80)]: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. IV, 1981-1990
-- Transcription and English translation ("based mainly on Stela S"): URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. II, Chicago, 1906, sections 958-972 ["Breasted's treatment of the Later
Proclamation ... is much better" (Murnane, van Siclen III, p. 6)]: URL
-- English translation (based on Stela S): Lichtheim II, 48-51: URL
-- English translation by William J. Murnane, Texts from the Amarna Period
in Egypt, Atlanta, Georgia, 1995, pp. 81-86
-- German translation by Wolfgang Helck, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie.
Übersetzung zu den Heften 17-22, Berlin, 1984, pp. 344-347
-- Drawing of the lunette of Stela N in LD III, 110a (482 KB): URL
-- Boundary stela with Queen Nefertiti and Princess Maketaten (fragment)
[Stela N]: URL
c) Basic book on the theme
-- William J. Murnane, Charles C. van Siclen III, The Boundary Stelae of
Akhenaten, London / New York, 1993
A Graffito from Pawah in the tomb of Pere / pA-jrj (TT 139)
said to be testimony of a dissident view under Akhenaten
date: dyn. 18, reign of Ankhkheprure (= Smenkhkare?)
-- Drawing of the hieratic text, hieroglyphic text and English translation
by Alan H. Gardiner, The Graffito from the Tomb of Pere, in: JEA, vol. 14,
pp. 10-11 (1928) 10-11
p. 10, pl. v (1.6 MB): URL
p. 11, pl. vi (2.0 MB): URL
-- English translation and commentary by Jan Assmann, Ocular Desire in a
Time of Darkness. Urban Festivals and Divine Visibility in Ancient Egypt,
in: Aharon R.E. Agus, Jan Assmann (eds.), Ocular Desire. Sehnsucht des
Auges, Yearbook of Religious Anthropology / Jahrbuch für Religiöse
Anthropologie, vol. 1, pp. 13-29 (1994) - pdf-file: 450 KB: URL
-- English translation by William J. Murnane, Texts from the Amarna Period
in Egypt, Atlanta, Georgia, 1995, pp. 207-208
-- German translation: ÄHG, no. 147 - pdf-file: 300 KB: URL
-- recently: Dieter Kessler, Dissidentenliteratur oder kultischer
Hintergrund? Teil 1: Überlegungen zum Tura-Hymnus und zum Hymnus in TT 139,
in: SAK, vol. 25, pp. 161-188 (1998) - pdf-file: 840 KB: URL
The Restoration Stela of Tutankhamun (CG 34183)
date: dyn. 18, reign of Tutankhamun
-- Photographs: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. IV, 2025-2032 (not yet online)
-- English translation by John Bennett, The Restoration Inscription of Tut'ankhamun,
JEA, vol. 25, pp. 8-15 (1939), [translation, pp. 9-11]: URL
-- English translation by Benedict G. Davies, Egyptian Historical Records of
the Later Eighteenth Dynasty, Fascicle VI, Translated from W. Helck,
Urkunden der 18. Dynastie, Heft 22, Warminster, 1995 (partial): URL
-- German translation [based on: Wolfgang Helck, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie.
Übersetzung zu den Heften 17-22, Berlin, 1984, pp. 365-368]: URL
The Great Hymn to Osiris on the Stela of Amenmose (Paris Louvre C 286)
date: dyn. 18
"This hymn contains the fullest account of the Osiris myth extant in
Egyptian, as distinct from Greek, sources." (Lichtheim)
-- Color photograph (570 KB) [the labelling C296 is wrong]: URL
-- Color photograph (67 KB) and French translation (partial): URL
-- B/W photograph of the stela, hieroglyphic text, French translation and
commentary by Alexande Moret, La légende d'Osiris à l'époque thébaine
d'après l'hymne à Osiris du Louvre, in: BIFAO, vol. 30, pp. 725-750 (1931),
including 3 pls. - pdf-file (3.5 MB): URL
-- English translation by E.A. Wallis Budge, Legends of the Gods, London,
1912, pp. 96-105: URL; URL
-- English translation by John L. Foster, Hymns, Prayers, and Songs: URL
-- English translation in: Lichtheim II; 81-86
-- German translation by Jan Assmann, in: ÄHG, no. 213
-- Spanish translation: URL
The Myth of the Destruction of Mankind / The Book of the Heavenly Cow
date: MK text recorded in NK tombs (dyn. 18-20)
-- Photographs of the hieroglyphic text in the tomb of Sethos I (KV 17)
by Harry Burton, in: Erik Hornung, The Tomb of Pharaoh Seti I / Das Grab
Sethos' I., Zürich / München, 1991, pp. 218-223
-- Hieroglyphic text of the tomb of Sethos I, French translation [Claire
Lalouette, Textes sacrés et textes profanes de l'Egypte Ancienne, vol. 2,
Paris, 1989], English translation [Alexandre Piankoff, The Shrines of
Tut-Ankh-Amon, New York, 1955, pp. 27-34] and German translation [Erik
Hornung, Der ägyptische Mythos von der Himmelskuh. Eine Ätiologie des
Unvollkommenen, Freiburg Schweiz / Göttingen, 1982, pp. 37-48]: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text (partial) of the outer shrine (Shrine I) of the tomb of
Tutankhamen (JE 60664), English translation [Piankoff, p. 145] and German
translation [Hornung, p. 49]: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text [E.A Wallis Budge, Gods of the Egyptians, vol. 1,
London, 1904, pp. 388-399, updated and corrected based on the more recent
publication by Erik Hornung - see above]: URL
-- English translation in: E. A. Wallis Budge, Legends of the Gods, London, 1912,
chapter I-V, pp. 14-41 [without the hieroglyphic text]: URL
-- English translation [= Lichtheim II, 197-199] - see "another version": URL
-- Spanish translation: URL
-- German translation: TUAT III, 1018-1037
The King-lists on monuments of the 19th Dynasty
a) The King-list in the temple of Sety I in Abydos
date: dyn. 19, reign of Sety I
The Abydos King-list, containing 76 kings (Menes to Sety I), represents the
Abydene/Upper Egyptian tradition.
-- Drawing (560 KB): URL
-- Drawing (130 KB): URL
-- Drawing: Jürgen von Beckerath, Chronologie des pharaonischen Ägyptens, Mainz, 1997, p. 215
-- A series of 9 overlapping photographs covering nearly all of the king-list: URL
-- Photograph of Seti I and Ramesses II offering to a list of royal
ancestors: URL
-- Translation of the names of the Kings: URL
-- recently: Hieroglyphic text: KRI I, 178-179; English translation: RITA I, 153-156;
commentary: RITANC I, 118-123.
b) The King-list of the temple of Ramesses II in Abydos (BM EA 117)
date: dyn. 19, reign of Ramesses II
Imperfect copy of Sety's Abydos List with the addition of two cartouches of Ramesses II.
-- BM fact-sheet with photos: URL
-- Drawing and photograph in: T.G.H. James, British Museum. Hieroglyphic Texts
from Egyptian Stelae, etc., Part 9, London, 1970, pl. VIII; description pp. 13-14
-- Drawing and translation of the names of the Kings: URL
-- recently: Hieroglyphic text: KRI II, 539-540; English translation (full
reconstruction despite damage): RITA II, 348-349; commentary: RITANC II, 372
c) The King-list in the tomb of Tnrj / Tjunuroy in Saqqara (CG 34156)
date: dyn. 19, reign of Ramesses II
The Saqqara King-list, with 58 kings (Merbiapen to Ramesses II), represents
the Memphite/Lower Egyptian tradition, although it is modelled on the
royal cultic lists above.
-- Drawing: Revue archéologique, Nouvelle série, vol. X (1864), pl. XVII
between pp. 168-169; see also the article: Auguste Mariette, La table de
Saqqarah, pp. 169-186: URL
-- Drawing: Jürgen von Beckerath, Chronologie des pharaonischen Ägyptens,
Mainz, 1997, p. 216
-- Drawing, transliteration and translation of the names of the Kings: URL
-- recently: Hieroglyphic text: KRI III, 481-482
d) A King-list on the offering table of qn-Hr-xpS=f, scribe in the Place of Truth
(Marseille Musée d'Archéologie Méditerranéenne 204)
date: dyn. 19, reign of Merenptah
The Offering Table of Qenhirkhopshef lists 34 cartouches of the kings
of the 18th and 19th dyn and of two queens (king-list of Theban tradition)
-- Photograph: URL
-- Heinrich Brugsch, [Beschreibung einer altägyptischen Opfertafel], in:
MPAW, pp. 69-71 (1858) [rough sketch on a plate between pp. 70-71]
first page (p. 69): URL
plate: URL
-- Ernest de Saulcy, Étude sur la série des rois inscrits à la salle des
ancêtres de Thouthmès III., in: Mémoires de l'Académie Impériale de Metz,
vol. 44, pt. 2, pp. 257-358 (1864) [the offering table is discussed on pp. 301-309,
2 pls. with drawings between pp. 302-303 and 304-305]: URL
e) Summary and commentary of all king-lists:
Donald B. Redford, Pharaonic King-Lists, Annals and Day-Books. A Contribution to
the Study of the Egyptian Sense of History, Mississauga, 1986, pp. 18-59
The Taking of Joppa (pHarris 500 = pBM 10060, verso (1.1-3.14))
date: early dyn. 19
-- BM fact-sheet with photos: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: LES, 82-85: URL
-- Transliteration: URL
-- English translation: W. M. Flinders Petrie, Egyptian Tales, Translated
From The Papyri, vol. 2, London, 1895, pp. 1-12: URL, URL
-- English translation: William Kelly Simpson (ed.), The Literature of
Ancient Egypt, 3rd ed., New Haven and London, 2003, pp. 72-74
-- French translation: Gaston Maspero, Les contes populaires de l'Egypte
ancienne, 4th ed., Paris, [1911], pp. 115-122: URL
-- German translation: Emma Brunner-Traut, Altägyptische Märchen, 8th ed.,
München, 1989, pp. 182-184
-- German translation: TUAT Ergänzungslieferung, 143-146
The Tale of the Doomed Prince (pHarris 500, vs., 4,1-8,14)
date: dyn. 19, reign of Sethos I or Ramesses II [date of composition in the
later XVIIIth dyn., according to Helck]
-- LÄ IV, 1107-1112, s.v. "Prinzenmärchen"
-- Hieratic text in: Georg Möller, Hieratische Lesestücke für den akademischen
Gebrauch, Zweites Heft: Literarische Texte des Neuen Reiches, 2nd ed., rev. by
Kurt Sethe, Leipzig, 1927, pp. 21-24 - p. 21 only: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: LES, 1-9 : URL
-- Hieroglyphic text based on LES, 1-9: URL
also as pdf-file (130 KB): URL
-- Transcription: URL
-- Early English translation by C. W. Goodwin in: Records of the Past, 2nd
ed., vol. II, London, [??], pp. 147-154 - pdf-file: 280 KB: URL
-- English translation by Donald Mackenzie, Egyptian Myth and Legend,
London, [1907], pp. 294-301: URL, URL
-- English translation by W. M. Flinders Petrie, Egyptian Tales Translated From The
Papyri, vol. 2: XVIIIth to XIXth Dynasty, 2nd ed., London, 1913, pp. 6-8: URL
-- English translation: Lichtheim II, 200-203
-- English translation by Edward F. Wente in: William Kelly Simpson (ed.), The Literature
of Ancient Egypt, 3rd ed., New Haven and London, 2003, pp. 75-79: URL
-- French translation by Gaston Maspero, Les contes populaires de l'Egypte
ancienne, 4th ed., Paris[, 1911], pp. 196-207: URL, URL
-- French translation: URL
-- German translation [= Emma Brunner-Traut, Altägyptische Märchen, 8th ed.,
München, 1989, pp. 55-60]: URL
-- Wolfgang Helck, Die Erzählung vom Verwunschenen Prinzen, in: Jürgen Osing,
Günter Dreyer (eds.), Form und Mass. Beiträge zur Literatur, Sprache und
Kunst des alten Ägypten, Wiesbaden, 1987 [Festschrift Fecht], pp. 218-225
The Nauri Decree
date: dyn. 19, reign of Seti I, year 4
-- LÄ IV, 361-362, s.v. "Nauridekret"
-- Drawings [= pls. XXXVIII-XLIII in: Francis Llewellyn Griffiths,
The Nauri Decree of Seti I at Abydos, in: JEA, vol. 13, pp.193-208
(1927)], hieroglyphic text, transcription and French translation
(partial): URL
-- Transcription and English translation by Benedict G. Davies, Egyptian
Historical Inscriptions of the Nineteenth Dynasty, Jonsered, 1997, pp. 277-308
-- Hieroglyphic text: KRI I, 45-58; English translation: RITA I, 38-50;
commentary: RITANC I, 48-55
-- Bibliography: URL
The Stela of the Era of 400 Years (JE 60539)
date: dyn. 19, reign of Ramesses II
-- Drawing of the stela in: Revue archéologique, Nouvelle série, vol. XI (1865),
pl. IV [between pp. 168 and 169] - this vol. also contains an early French
translation by Auguste Mariette, La stèle de l'an 400, pp. 169-190: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text and French translation: URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. III, Chicago, 1906, sections 538-542: URL
-- English translation by James B. Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts,
Princeton, 1969, pp. 252-253: URL
-- recently: Hieroglyphic text: KRI II, 287-288; English translation:
RITA II, 116-117; commentary: RITANC II, 168-172
The Obelisk of the Luxor Temple, now Paris, Place de la Concorde
"In terms of content, the texts are not remarkable." (Kitchen), but may
be of interest to some readers.
date: dyn. 19, reign of Ramesses II
-- Hieroglyphic text only: URL
-- Drawing and French translation by François Chabas, Traduction des
inscriptions de l'obélisque de Paris, in: François Chabas, Oeuvres diverses,
vol. 3, Paris, 1903, pp. 355-366, pl. IV [unreadable, between pp. 360-361]
(original date of publication: 1868): URL
-- English translation by François Chabas, The obelisk of Rameses II. (now
in the Place de la Concorde, Paris) / translated from the French text of
M. François Chabas, in: Records of the past, vol. 4, London, [1875], pp. 17-24
[p. 24 is missing] - pdf-file (284 KB): URL
-- Photographs, hieroglyphic text and French translation: URL
-- Spanish translation: URL
-- Critical view of transporting Egyptian monuments to other countries
("Faillait-il encore que la devastation étendit ses ravages jusqu'aux rives
du Nil?"): Pétrus Borel, L'obélisque de Louqsor, Paris, 1836: URL
-- Contemporary illustrated report on the transport and erection of the
obelisk in: Le Magasin pittoresque, vol. 5, pp. 3-7 (1837): URL
-- Drawing of the erection (1836) by François Dubois: URL
-- recently: Hieroglyphic text: KRI II, 601-605; English translation: RITA II,
396-400; commentary: RITANC II, 405-406
-- Books on the theme:
Jacques Joseph Champollion-Figeac, L'obélisque de Louqsor transporté à
Paris, Paris, 1833 (reprinted 2004)
Bernadette Menu, L'obélisque de la Concorde, Versailles, 1987
Robert Solé, Le Grand voyage de l'obélisque, Paris, 2004
info: URL
A Satirical Letter (pAnastasi I = pBM 10247)
date: dyn. 19, reign of Ramesses II (date of composition)
-- LÄ IV, 674-679, s.v. "Papyrus Anastasi I."
-- Photographs (BM, several sheets): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text and English translation by: Alan Henderson Gardiner,
Egyptian Hieratic Texts: transcribed, translated and annotated by Alan H. Gardiner.
Series I: Literary texts of the new kingdom. Part I: The Papyrus Anastasi I and
the Papyrus Koller together with the Parallel Texts, Leipzig, 1911 - 2 papyri and
8 ostraca are the basis of this edition - pdf-file (5.6 MB): URL
-- Gardiner's English translation only: URL
-- English translation by Edward Wente, Letters from Ancient Egypt, Atlanta,
Georgia, 1990, pp. 98-110
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert, Die satirische
Streitschrift des Papyrus Anastasi I., 2nd rev. ed., Wiesbaden, 1992 -
5 papyri and 75 ostraca are the basis of this edition.
-- Basic book on the theme: German translation and commentary by Hans-Werner
Fischer-Elfert, Die satirische Streitschrift des Papyrus Anastasi I., Wiesbaden, 1986
The Victory Hymn of Merenptah / "Israel Stela"
date: dyn. 19, reign of Merenptah
-- LÄ III, 205, s.v. "Israel, Israelstele"
-- Hieroglyphic text: KRI IV, 12-19; English translation: RITA IV, 10-15
a) The Stela of Amenophis III (CG 34025 verso)
-- Drawing in: W. M. Flinders Petrie, Six Temples at Thebes, London,
1897, pl. XIV (318 KB): URL
same drawing; the word "people of Israel" or "Israelites" is marked red (546 KB): URL
-- English translation: Lichtheim II, 74-77: URL
-- Transcription and English translation by Benedict G. Davies, Egyptian
Historical Inscriptions of the Nineteenth Dynasty, Jonsered, 1997, pp. 173-188
-- English translation by Edward F. Wente, Jr. in: William Kelly Simpson
(ed.), The Literature of Ancient Egypt, 3rd ed., New Haven and London, 2003, pp. 356-360
-- One of the first discussions about the term "Israel" in this stela by
Wilhelm Spiegelberg, Die erste Erwähnung Israels in einem aegyptischen
Texte, in: Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der
Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1896 (I), pp. 593-597: URL
-- German translation by Ursula Kaplony-Heckel in: TUAT III, 544-552
-- Erik Hornung, Die Israelstele des Merenptah, in: Manfred Görg (ed.), Fontes
atque Pontes. Eine Festgabe für Hellmut Brunner, Wiesbaden, 1983, pp. 224-233
-- Gerhard Fecht, Die Israelstele, Gestalt und Aussage, in: Manfred Görg
(ed.), Fontes atque Pontes. Eine Festgabe für Hellmut Brunner, Wiesbaden,
1983, pp. 106-138
b) Text Fragments in Karnak
-- Photograph, hieroglyphic text and French translation by Charles Kuentz,
Le double de la stèle d'Israël à Karnak, in: BIFAO, vol. 21, pp. 113-117
(1923) - pdf-file (713 KB): URL
c) Basic book on the theme
-- Thomas von der Way, Göttergericht und "Heiliger" Krieg im Alten Ägypten.
Die Inschriften des Merenptah zum Libyerkrieg des Jahres 5, Heidelberg, 1992
The Book of Caverns
date: dyn. 19-20 and later
-- Overview, including drawings [= Erik Hornung, The Ancient Egyptian Books
of the Afterlife, 1999, figs. 28-33, which are in fact from Winfried Barta,
Komparative Untersuchungen zu vier Unterweltsbüchern, Frankfurt am Main /
Bern / New York / Paris, 1990, figs. 25-30]: URL
-- Drawings and hieroglyphic text of the Ramesses VI version in: Champollion
Le Jeune, Monuments de l'Égypte et de la Nubie: notices descriptives
conformes aux manuscrits autographes rédigés sur les lieux, vol. 2, Paris,
[1889], pp. 493-545 - [click on the OK-button to see the first page (493)]: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text and French translation by Alexandre Piankoff, Le Livre
des Quererts, in:
(1) BIFAO, vol. 41, pp. 1-11 (1941) [pls. 1- 9] - pdf-file: 2 MB: URL
(2) BIFAO, vol. 42, pp. 1-62 (1944) [pls. 10- 79] - pdf-file: 12 MB: URL
(3) BIFAO, vol. 43, pp. 1-50 (1945) [pls. 80-151] - pdf-file: 9.8 MB: URL
(4) BIFAO, vol. 45, pp. 1-42 (1947) - pdf-file: 2.8 MB: URL
-- Version of the Late Period in the tomb of Pedemenopet in: Alexandre
Piankoff, Les grandes compositions religieuses dans la tombe de Pédéménope,
in: BIFAO, vol. 46, pp. 73-92 (1947) - pdf-file: 2.4 MB: URL
-- English translation by Alexandre Piankoff, The Tomb of Ramesses VI, vol. 1:
Texts, New York, 1954, pp. 45-135
-- German translation by Erik Hornung, Ägyptische Unterweltsbücher, Zürich /
München, 1972, pp. 309-424
-- Spanish translation by Enrique Fernández de Córdova: URL
The Quarrel of Apophis and Seknenre (pSallier I = BM 10185 recto 1,1-3,3;
repetition of 3,1-3,3 on the verso )
date: dyn. 19
-- LÄ I, 353-354, s.v. "Apophis und Seqenenrê"
-- Photographs (BM, two sheets): URL and URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: LES, 85-89: URL
-- Transcription: URL
-- English translation by Edward F. Wente, Jr. in: William Kelly Simpson (ed.),
The Literature of Ancient Egypt, 3rd ed., New Haven and London, 2003, pp. 69-71 -
The following translation is from an earlier edition: William Kelly Simpson (ed.),
The Literature of Ancient Egypt, New Haven and London, 1973, pp. 77-80: URL
-- English translation, by Jacques Kinnaer: URL
-- French translation by Gaston Maspero, Les contes populaires de l'Egypte ancienne,
4th ed., Paris[, 1911], pp. 288-294: URL, URL
-- German translation by Emma Brunner-Traut, Altägyptische Märchen, 8th ed.,
München, 1989, pp. 180-182
-- Book on the theme: Hans Goedicke, The Quarrel of Apophis and Seqenenre, San Antonio, 1986
The Great Harris Papyrus (pHarris I = BM EA 9999)
date: dyn 20, reign of Ramesses III
-- BM fact-sheets with photos: URL
-- Samuel Birch, Facsimile of an Egyptian Hieratic Papyrus of the
Reign of Rameses III., Now in the British Museum, London, 1876. -
29 pp., 79 pls. - pdf-file (21 MB): URL
-- Karl Piehl, Dictionnaire du Papyrus Harris No. 1, publié par
S. Birch, d'après l'original du British Museum, Vienne, 1882. -
viii, 116 pp. - pdf-file (2.6 MB) [PDF]: URL
-- Hieroglyphic transcription by W. Erichsen, Papyrus Harris I,
Bruxelles, 1933 (BAe V); the historical section of pHarris I
pp. 91-97, is available online - pdf-file (258 KB): URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records
of Egypt, vol. IV, Chicago, 1906, sections 151-412: URL
-- A recent treatment is Pierre Grandet, Le Papyrus Harris I (BM 9999),
vols. 1-2, Le Caire, 1994 (MIFAO 109/1-2); Pierre Grandet, Le
Papyrus Harris I. Glossaire, Le Caire, 1999 (MIFAO 129).
The Harem Conspiracy
date: dyn. 20, reign of Ramesses IV [date of composition]
-- Early English translation by Peter Le Page Renouf, Abstract of criminal
proceedings in a case of conspiracy in the time of Rameses III, in: S. Birch (ed.),
Records of the past: being English translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian monuments,
vol. VIII, London, 1876, pp. 53-65 - pdf-file: 475 KB: URL
-- Account in German with citations from the papyri mentioned below (transcript
of a broadcast of the Bayerischer Rundfunk, January 31, 1998): URL
a) The Judicial Papyrus of Turin
-- Facsimile of the Hieratic text, transcription (outdated) and French
translation by Théodule Devéria, Le Papyrus judiciaire de Turin et les
papyrus Lee et Rollin, in: Théodule Devéria, Mémoires et fragments, vol. 2,
Paris, 1897, pp. 97-251; the plates V-VII are at the end: URL
-- The facsimiles of the Hieratic text can be better recognized in the
original publication: Journal asiatique, série 6, vol. 8 - on non-paginated
plates between pp. 194-195, scanned in overlapping parts (here: i-xv), the
parts are from left to right:
(i) - (iii) = pl. I (= pl. V of the publication above) - (iii) and the
following parts are rotated by 90 deg.
(iv) - (viii) = pl. II (= pl. VI upper part)
(ix) - (xiii) = pl. III (= pl. VI lower part)
(xiv) - (xv) = pl. IV (= pl. VII)
-- Hieroglyphic text: KRI V, 350-360
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. IV, Chicago, 1906, sections 416-456: URL, URL
-- English translation by A de Buck in "The Judicial Papyrus of Turin", in: JEA volume 152 (1937),
pp. 152-165: URL
-- Transcription and English translation: A. J. Peden, Egyptian Historical
Inscriptions of the Twentieth Dynasty, Jonsereed, 1994, pp. 195-210
-- another English translation: URL
b) pRollin
-- Facsimile of the Hieratic text, transcription (outdated) and French
translation by Théodule Devéria [see under a], pl. VIII
-- Hieroglyphic text: KRI V, 360-361
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Martin Worthington, Einiges über die Paläographie
des Papyrus Rollin, in: GM, no. 183, pp. 93-98 (2001)
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. IV, Chicago, 1906, section 454: URL, URL
c) pLee
-- Facsimile of the Hieratic text, transcription (outdated) and French
translation by Théodule Devéria [see under a], pls. IX-X [wrong numbering of
pl. X as VII again]
-- Hieroglyphic text: KRI V, 361-363
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. IV, Chicago, 1906, sections 455-456: URL, URL
d) pRifaud
-- Facsimile of the Hieratic text, hieroglyphic text and French translation
[documents A, B, C] by Serge Sauneron, Jean Yoyotte, Le texte hiératique
Rifaud, in: BIFAO, vol. 50, pp. 107-117 (1952) - pdf-file: 1.1 MB: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: KRI V, 363-366
-- A new document: Yvan Koenig, Nouveaux textes Rifaud II (document E), in:
CRIPEL 11, pp. 53-58 (1989)
e) pVarzy
There is some discussion whether the Papyrus de Varzy is really evidence for
the conspiracy in Ramses III's harem.
-- Photograph: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: RAD, 59-60
-- English translation: URL
-- French translation: URL
-- recently: Yvan Koenig, À propos de la conspiration du harem, in: BIFAO,
vol. 101, pp. 293-314 (2001) - from the summary: "The Varzy Papyrus belongs
to the dossier of the Harem Conspiracy.": URL
f) Book on the theme:
Susan Redford, The Harem Conspiracy. The Murder of Ramesses III, DeKalb, Illinois, 2002
info: URL
The Year 4 Abydos Stela of Ramesses IV in Honour of Osiris (JE 48876)
(Ramesses IV asking for a length of reign twice that of Ramesses II)
date: dyn. 20, reign of Ramesses IV
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Revue archéologique, Nouvelle série, vol. XIX
(1869), pl. VIII [between pp. 312 and 313] - this vol. also contains
a transcription (outdated) and a French translation by Paul Pierret, Prière
de Ramsès IV à Osiris (stèle inédite d'Abydos), pp. 273-283: URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. IV, Chicago, 1906, sections 469-471 (partial): URL
-- Transcription and English translation: A. J. Peden, Egyptian Historical
Inscriptions of the Twentieth Dynasty, Jonsereed, 1994, pp. 151-158
-- Hieroglyphic text: KRI VI, 17-20
The Great Abydos Stela of Ramesses IV for Osiris and the Gods (JE 48831)
"I am a legitimate ruler; I did not usurp."
date: dyn. 20, reign of Ramesses IV
-- Drawings in: Auguste Mariette, Abydos. Description des fouilles exécutées
sur l'emplacement de cette ville, vol. II, Paris, 1880, pls. 54-55
-- Short description in: Auguste Mariette, Catalogue général des monuments
d'Abydos découverts pendant les fouilles de cette ville, Paris,1880, pp. 440-441
p. 440 (178 KB) and p. 441 (192 KB): URL
-- Photographs, hieroglyphic text and French translation by Mikhaïl Korostovstev,
Stèle de Ramsès IV, in: BIFAO, vol. 45, pp. 155-173 (1947) - pdf-file: 2.6 MB: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: KRI, VI, 20-25
-- Transcription and English translation by A. J. Peden, Egyptian Historical
Inscriptions of the Twentieth Dynasty, Jonsereed, 1994, pp. 159-174
-- German translation (partial) by Jan Assmann in: ÄHG 220
-- Philippe Derchain, Comment les Égyptiens écrivaient un traité de la
royauté, in: BSFE, nos. 87-88, pp. 14-17 (1980)
-- Francesco Tiradritti, "I have not Diverted my Inundation". Legitimacy and
the Book of the Dead in a Stela of Ramesses IV from Abydos, in: L'impero
ramesside. Convegno internazionale in onore di Sergio Donadoni, Roma,
Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", 1997, pp. 193-203
The Contendings of Horus and Seth (pChester Beatty I, recto 1,1-16,8)
date: dyn. 20, reign of Ramses V
-- LÄ VI, 84-86, s.v. "Streit des Horus und Seth", see also: LÄ III, 25-27,
s.v. "Horus und Seth"
-- Hieroglyphic text based on LES, 37-60 - 18 jpg-files: URL
also as pdf-file (315 KB): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text (autographed), transcription ("a new system devised by myself")
and English translation by Jacob Rabinowitz, Isle of Fire, A Tour of the Egyptian Further World,
rev. ed., vol. I, 2005, pp. 161-233 - 2 pdf-files: 3.9 MB and 3.1 MB: URL
-- English translation in: Lichtheim II, 214-223
-- English translation [= adapted from the translation by Edward F. Wente,
Jr. in: William Kelly Simpson (ed.), The Literature of Ancient Egypt, 3rd ed.,
New Haven and London, 2003, pp. 91-103]: URL
-- German translation: Emma Brunner-Traut, Altägyptische Märchen, 8th ed.,
München, 1989, pp. 127-141: URL
-- German translation by Friedrich Junge in: TUAT III, 930-950
-- Spanish translation by Francisco López: URL
-- Basic book on the theme:
Michèle Broze, Les aventures d'Horus et Seth dans le papyrus Chester Beatty I.
Mythe et roman en Égypte ancienne, Leuven, 1996
The Misfortunes of Wenamun (pMoscow 120)
date: dyn. 20, reign of Ramesses XI
-- Hieratic text (the beginning: 1,1-1,21): [Georg Möller, Hieratische
Lesestücke für den akademischen Gebrauch, Zweites Heft: Literarische Texte
des Neuen Reiches, 2nd ed., Leipzig, 1927, p. 29]: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text based on LES, 61-76: URL
The same as pdf-file: 166 KB: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text and photographs of the papyrus (Hieratic text)
[= M.A. Korostovtsev, Puteshestvie Un-Amuna v Bibl. Egipetskij ieraticheskij
papirus no. 120 Gosudarstvennogo museya izobrazitel'nykh iskusstv im.
A.M. Pushkina, Moscow, 1960, pp. 119-134 (= LES 61-76 without Gardiner's
comments), 16 photographic plates]: URL
-- English translation [= Hans Goedicke, The Report of Wenamun, Baltimore /
London, 1975, pp. 149-158]: URL
-- English translation [= Lichtheim II, 224-239]: URL
-- French translation in: Gaston Maspero, Les contes populaires de l'Egypte
ancienne, 4th ed., Paris[, 1911], pp. 214-230: URL
-- German translation by Erik Hornung, Altägyptische Dichtung, Stuttgart,
1996, pp. 48-55 (not online)
-- German summary: URL
-- Online version of: Renaud de Spens, Droit international et commerce au
début de la XXIe dynastie. Analyse juridique du rapport d'Ounamon, in: N. Grimal,
B. Menu (eds.), Le commerce en Egypte ancienne, Le Caire, 1998, pp. 105-126: URL
-- M.A. Korostovtsev, Puteshestvie Un-Amuna v Bibl. Egipetskij
ieraticheskij papirus no. 120 Gosudarstvennogo museya
izobrazitel'nykh iskusstv im. A.M. Pushkina, Moscow, 1960.
134 pp., 16 pls. - 7 pdf-files (4 MB), the main text pages have
been made available via OCR, not as images, except the
hieroglyphic text on pp. 119-134 and the photographic plates.
There is a different layout; however, the original page numbers are indicated.
"In this edition the Hieratic papyrus [pMoscow no. 120] will
be published in full for the first time."
part 1: Origin of the papyrus and its historical significance.
Description of the papyrus
part 2: [Russian] Translation
part 3: Historical commentary
part 4: Philological commentary
part 5: Verb [forms] in the text of Wenamun. Index of commented
lines [= passages]. Abbreviations. Bibliography.
part 6: Hieroglyphic transcription [= LES 61-76 without Gardiner's comments]
part 7: Text [= 16 photographic plates]
---- "ThotWeb: Le papyrus d'Ounamon" (zip-file; 4 MB): URL
"Cette archive à destination des étudiants et des chercheurs compile
les photographies du musée Pushkin (N°120), la translittération de
Maxim Panov, la transcription au format 'manuel de codage' de Patricia Cassonnet,
et une étude de Renaud de Spens."
-- Bibliography: URL
-- Bernd U. Schipper, Die Erzählung des Wenamun. Ein Literaturwerk
im Spannungsfeld von Politik, Geschichte und Religion, Freiburg (Schweiz),
Göttingen, 2005. OBO 209
The Instruction of Amenemope (pBM 10474)
date: dyn. 20
-- Photographs (BM, several sheets): URL
the same as pdf-file: 300 KB (without line numbering): URL
the same as ps-file: 260 KB (without line numbering): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, transcription, translation and commentary - "... an
in-depth analysis of Amenemope's first forty-five lines ..." - by: James
Roger Black, The Instruction of Amenemope: A Critical Edition and
Commentary. Prolegomenon and Prologue, Dissertation, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 2002. xxxii, 668 pp. - pdf-files all in all 3.5 MB: URL
-- English translation: Lichtheim II, 146-163 - Prologue and first 10
chapters [= pp. 148-154]: URL
-- English translation and comparison with the Books of Proverbs: URL
-- French translation by Pascal Vernus, Sagesses de l'Égypte pharaonique,
Paris, 2001, pp. 299-346
-- German translation by Hellmut Brunner, Altägyptische Weisheit. Lehren
für das Leben, Zürich / München, 1988, pp. 234-256
-- German translation: TUAT III, 222-250
The Rogers Tablet (Louvre E 6858)
date: dyn. 21
"... oracular announcement of Amun that a set of shabtis should
only work for their owner ... and that the ownership of the shabtis
is indeed vested in the woman who bought them ..."
-- Photographs
recto: URL
verso: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text and French translation: Gaston Maspero, Sur
une tablette appartenant à M. Rogers, in: Gaston Maspero, Études
de mythologie et d'archéologie égyptiennes, vol. 4, Paris, 1900,
pp. 187-196 [two pls. are missing]: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, French translation and commentary: Jaroslav
Cerny, Le caractère des Oushebtis d'après les idées du Nouvel Empire, in:
BIFAO, vol. 41, pp. 105-118 (1942) - pdf-file (2.5 MB): URL
-- Photographs of an almost identical tablet in the British Museum
(EA 16672) and English translation in: Nigel C. Strudwick, The
British Museum. Masterpieces of Ancient Egypt, London, 2006, pp. 244-245
-- Discussion: Erwin Seidl, Dietrich Wildung, Uschebtikauf und
Geldbezahlungsurkunde, in: SAK, vol. 1, pp. 289-294 (1974)
The Stela of Banishment (Louvre C 256)
date: dyn. 21, reign of Smendes [according to von Beckerath]
-- LÄ VI, 919-920, s.v. "Verbanntenstele" [Exile Stela]
-- Photograph [pl. 1] and hieroglyphic text [pp. 10-11] in: Jürgen von Beckerath,
Die "Stele der Verbannten" im Museum des Louvre, in: RdE, vol. 20, pp. 7-36 (1968)
hieroglyphic text, p. 10 (1.4 MB): URL
hieroglyphic text, p. 11 (1.6 MB): URL
pl. 1: photograph (1.1 MB): URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. IV, Chicago, 1906, sections 650-658: URL
-- German translation by Heike Sternberg-el Hotabi, in: TUAT II, 112-117 -
pdf-file: 1.9 MB: URL
Hymn to Re-Harakhte (pBerlin 3050)
some identical passages are also in pBerlin 3056, cols. IV-V
(= pBerlin 3050, cols. I-IV,8) and in pBerlin 3048, col. IX vs.
(= pBerlin 3050, col. I, 1-3)
date: dyn. 22
-- Drawing of the Hieratic text (designated Papyrus no. V) in: LD VI,
115-117a: URL
-- These drawings are now superseded by those in: Hieratische
Papyrus aus den Königlichen Museen Berlin, vol. II: Hymnen an
verschiedene Götter. Zusatzkapitel zum Totenbuch, Leipzig, 1905,
pls. 1-9 (handdrawn facsimiles, too)
-- Hieroglyphic text, French translation and commentary by
Serge Sauneron, L'hymne au soleil levant des papyrus de
Berlin 3050, 3056 et 3048, in: BIFAO, vol. 53, pp. 65-90
(1953) - pdf-file (2.4 MB): URL
-- Early English translation by E.L. Lushington, Hymn to
Ra-Harmachis, in: S. Birch (ed.), Records of the past: being
English translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian monuments,
vol. VIII, London, 1876, pp. 129-134 - pdf-file (250 KB): URL
-- German translation and commentary by Jan Assmann,
Liturgische Lieder an den Sonnengott. Untersuchungen zur
altägyptischen Hymnik, I, Berlin, 1969, pp. 187-227;
German translation by Jan Assmann, Ägyptische Hymnen
und Gebete, Zürich / München, 1975, pp. 122-127
The Piankhi / Piye Stela (JE 48862)
date: dyn. 25, reign of Piankhi
-- Drawing of the front side: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. III, 1-56: pdf-file - URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. IV, Chicago, 1906, sections 796-883: URL, URL
-- English translation: Lichtheim III, 66-84
-- French translation in: François Chabas, Oeuvres diverses, vol. 5, Paris,
1909, pp. 455-474 [BA 5283: original publication date: 1883]: URL
-- German translation: Heinrich Brugsch, Die Siegesinschrift Königs Pi-anchi
von Aethiopien, in: Nachrichten von der Königl. Gesellschaft der
Wissenschaften und der Georg-Augusts-Universität zu Göttingen, vol. 19, pp.
457-487 (1876) [BA 4046] - the link is rather slow; use the download
function instead: 32 pp., pdf-file: 2.6 MB: URL
-- recently: N.-C. Grimal, Études sur la propagande royale égyptienne I: La
stèle triomphale de Pi(ankh)y au Musée du Caire JE 48862 et 47086 - 47089,
Le Caire, 1981
-- recently: Hans Goedicke, Pi(ankh)y in Egypt. A Study of the Pi(ankh)y
Stela, Baltimore, 1998
The Shabaka Stone / "The Memphite Theology" (BM EA 498)
date: dyn. 25, reign of Shabaka (Junge); the original composition has
also been dated to the NK or even the OK by others.
-- BM fact-sheet with photos: URL
-- Photographs, drawing [= ZÄS, vol. 39 (1902), pls. 1-2], English translation
and commentary: URL, URL
-- The same drawing (590 KB): URL
-- English translation: URL
-- English translation: Lichtheim I, 51-57 [see also Lichtheim III, 5]: URL
-- Spanish translation: URL
-- Spanish translation [based on Lichtheim I, 51-57]: URL
-- German translation: TUAT Ergänzungslieferung, 166-175
-- Online study of part of the text:
Claude Traunecker, "L'anticipation dans la pensée de l'Egypte antique.
A propos du texte de la Théologie memphite", in: L'anticipation. A l'horizon
du Présent, Mardaga (Ed.) (2004) 253-269. In PDF, 6,99 MB.: URL
-- recently: Jan Assmann, Ägypten. Eine Sinngeschichte, München, 1996,
pp.382-396 and Jan Assmann, Rezeption und Auslegung in Ägypten. Das "Denkmal
memphitischer Theologie" als Auslegung der heliopolitanischen Kosmogonie,
in: R. G. Kratz, Th. Krüger (eds.), Rezeption und Auslegung im Alten
Testament und in seinem Umfeld, Freiburg/Schweiz, 1997, pp. 125-139.
The Stela of Tanutamun / Tanutamani (JE 48863)
date: dyn 25, reign of Tanutamun
-- Drawing of both sides in: Revue archéologique, Nouvelle série, vol. 17 (1868)
[pls. XI-XII between pp. 328-329], including an early French translation by
G. Maspero, Essai sur la stèle du songe, pp. 329-339: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. III, 57-77 - pdf-file: 0.7 MB: URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. IV, Chicago, 1906, sections 919-934: URL
-- Transliteration, English translation and commentary of the dream section only
(lines 3-7) in: Appendix of Texts used in Szpakowska, Kasia. Behind Closed Eyes:
Dreams and Nightmares in Ancient Egypt. Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales, 2003,
pp. 64-66 [in a pdf-file: 0.4 MB]: URL
-- French translation: URL
-- recently: Francis Breyer, Tanutamani. Die Traumstele und ihr Umfeld,
Wiesbaden, 2003: info: URL
-- recently: F.J. Albers, The Pyramid Tombs of Tanutamen, Last Nubian Pharaoh,
& His Mother, Queen Qalhata, in: KMT: a Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt, vol. 14,
no. 2, pp. 52-63 (2003)
The Election Stela of King Aspelta (JE 48866)
Now in the Nubia Museum, Aswan
date: Kingdom of Napata, reign of Aspelta (593-568 BC)
-- Photographs, drawings and hieroglyphic text in: N.-C. Grimal, Études sur
la propagande royale égyptienne II: Quatre stèles napatéennes au Musée du
Caire JE 48863 - 48866, Le Caire, 1981, pp. 21-35, pls. V-VII
-- Photograph (hieroglyphs are not readable) ["If you would like originals
... please send an email" to Simon]: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. III, 81-100: URL
-- Transcription and English translation in: Tormod Eide, Tomas Hägg,
Richard Holton Pierce, László Török (eds.), Fontes historiae Nubiorum.
Textual Sources for the History of the Middle Nile Region between the Eighth
Century BC and the Sixth Century AD, vol. I, 1994, pp. 232-252
-- French translation by Gaston Maspero, Sur la stèle de l'intronisation
trouvée au Djebel-Barkal, in: Revue archéologique, nouvelle série, vol. 25,
pp. 300-313 (1873): URL
-- German translation by Günther Roeder, Die ägyptische Religion in Texten und Bildern,
vol. IV: Zauberei und Jenseitsglauben im Alten Ägypten, Zürich, 1961, pp. 380-391
-- German translation by Frank Kammerzell in: TUAT II, 117-123
-- Angelika Lohwasser, Die Ahnenreihe des Aspelta (Abstract), in: Martin
Fitzenreiter (ed.), Genealogie - Fiktion und Realität sozialer Identitität,
Workshop am 04. und 05. Juni 2004 in Berlin, IBAES V - search for this
particular abstract on the website: URL
The Long Biographical Inscription of Petosiris (27/7/12)
(in his tomb in Hermopolis; inscription no. 81)
date: dyn. 30
-- Photographs in Gustave Lefebvre, Le Tombeau de Petosiris. Troisième
Partie: Vocabulaire et Planches, Le Caire, 1924, pls. XXVIII-XXX [high
resolution images available]
pl. XXVIII (247 KB; high resolution 750 KB): URL
pl. XXIX (242 KB; high resolution 694 KB): URL
pl. XXX (270 KB; high resolution 810 KB): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Gustave Lefebvre, Le Tombeau de Petosiris. Deuxième
Partie: Les Textes, Le Caire, 1923, pp. 53-59 [high resolution images
available, for example p. 53: 360 KB]
p. 53: URL
-- French translation in: Gustave Lefebvre, Le Tombeau de Petosiris.
Première Partie: Description, Le Caire, 1924, pp. 136-145
p. 136: URL
-- English translation: Lichtheim III, 45-49
-- German translation: TUAT II, 531-534
The Bentresh Stela (Louvre C 284) (27/7/12)
date: Persian or Ptolemaic Period
-- Hieroglyphic text, (partial) transliteration in Coptic letters and
(partial) French translation in: Jean François Champollion, Monuments de
l'Égypte et de la Nubie: notices descriptives conformes aux manuscrits
autographes rédigés sur les lieux par Champollion le Jeune, vol. 2, Paris,
1844, pp. 280-290 [= "Stèle des ruines du Sud-Est"] - first page (280) is
image/vignette no. 282 - click OK-button, then >> to continue - note that the
translation should be read from right to left according to the reading
direction: URL
-- Drawing in: Journal asiatique, sér. 5, vol. 8 (1856), plate at the end of
the vol., after p. 540 (scanned in 6 overlapping parts), belonging to the
early French translation of Emmanuel de Rougé, Étude sur une stèle
égyptienne appartenant à la Bibliothèque Impériale, in: Journal asiathique,
sér. 5, vol. 8, pp. 201-254 (1856), includes also the typeset hieroglyphic
text, an early - outdated - transliteration and a Latin translation; the
French translation is in the last installment: URL
Deuxième article: vol. 10, pp. 112-168 (1857): URL
Troisième article: vol. 11, pp. 509-572 (1858): URL
Fin: vol. 12, pp. 221-270 (1858): URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. III, Chicago, 1906, sections 429-447: URL
-- English translation in: Lichtheim III, 90-94
-- French translation in: Gaston Maspero, Les contes populaires de l'Egypte ancienne,
4th ed., Paris[, 1911], pp. 183-191: URL
-- Dutch translation and commentary in: JEOL 10 (1945-1948), pp. 237-243, by A. De Buck.
-- German translation in: TUAT III, 955-964
-- recently: Hieroglyphic text: KRI II, 284-287; English translation: RITA II, 113-116;
commentary: RITANC II, 165-168
The Satrap Stela (Cairo CG 22182) (27/7/12)
date: 311 BC
-- LÄ V, 492-493, s.v. "Satrapenstele"
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. II, Hefte 1, 11-22, in pdf: URL
-- Early English translation (from the German) by S.M. Drach, Tablet of
Alexander Aegus II., Son of Alexander the Great, in: Records of the Past,
vol. X, London, [1878], pp. 67-74 - pdf-file: 280 KB: URL, URL
-- English translation by E. R. Bevan, The House of Ptolemy, London, 1927, pp. 29-32: URL
-- More recent English translation by Robert K. Ritner in: William Kelly Simpson (ed.),
The Literature of Ancient Egypt, 3rd ed., New Haven and London, 2003, pp. 392-397
-- French translation by Edwyn Bevan, Histoire des Lagides, Paris, 1934, pp.46-49
-- German translation by Günther Roeder, Die ägyptische Religion in Texten
und Bildern, Bd. I: Die ägyptische Götterwelt, Zürich, 1959, pp. 97-106
-- German translation by Ursula Kaplony-Heckel in: TUAT I, 613-619
The Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys (pBerlin 3008) (27/7/12)
date: Ptolemaic Period
-- Hieratic facsimiles in: Philippe-Jacques de Horrack, Les Lamentations d'Isis et
de Nephthys, d'après un manuscrit hiératique du Musée royal de Berlin, in: Oeuvres diverses,
Paris, 1907 [original publication: Paris, 1866], between pp. 48-49 and 57-59: URL
-- French translation in: Horrack, pp. 33-53, 83-89
-- English translation in: Horrack, pp. 91-98
-- Hieroglyphic text and English translation: Raymond Otto Faulkner, The Lamentations
of Isis and Nephtys, in: Mélanges Maspero I Orient ancien, Cairo, 1934, pp. 337-348 (4 pls.)
-- English translation, from Lichtheim III, 116-121; partial: URL
-- Spanish translation, by Teresa Soria Trastoy: URL
-- About new copies of the Lamentations: Marc Coenen, Andrea Kucharek, New Findings of Isis
and Nephthys, in: GM 193, pp. 45-50 (2003)
The Mendes Stela (CG 22181) (27/7/12)
date: reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus
-- Drawing of the lunette (with inscriptions) in: Unijournal. Zeitschrift
der Universität Trier, vol. 29, Themenheft, p. 40 (2003) [= Heinrich
Brugsch, Thesaurus inscriptionum Aegyptiacarum, vol. IV: Mythologische
Inschriften altaegyptischer Denkmaeler, Leipzig, 1884, p. 629] - 55 pp.,
pdf-file: 1.5 MB: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. II, Heft 1, 28-54, in pdf: URL
-- English translation by S. Birch from the German version by Brugsch-Bey,
in: S. Birch (ed.), Records of the past: being English translations of the
Assyrian and Egyptian monuments, vol. VIII, London, 1876, pp. 91-102 -
pdf-file: 420 KB: URL,URL
-- Drawing of the lunette (without inscriptions) and German summary,
from: Günther Roeder, Die ägyptische Religion in Texten und Bildern, Bd. I:
Die ägyptische Götterwelt, Zürich, 1959, pp. 168-188: URL
The invasion of Ptolemy III into Mesopotamia (27/7/12)
date: reign of Ptolemy III
-- A 'new' text from the BM has been published online as BCHP11:
R.J. van der Spek, I.L. Finkel, Babylonian Chronicles of the
Hellenistic Period (forthcoming), no. 11, preliminary online version: URL
The Decree of Canopus (27/7/12)
date: reign of Ptolemy III Euergetes I (238 BC)
-- LÄ III, 321, s.v. "Kanopusdekret"
a) Stela from Kom el-Hisn [CG 22186] and
b) Stela from Tanis [CG 22187]
-- Drawings of the Tanis stela in: E. A. Wallis Budge, The Decrees of Memphis
and Canopus, vol. III, London, 1904: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. II, Heft 2, 124-154 (based on the Tanis version, with
variants of the Kom el-Hisn version in footnotes; the Greek text between the
lines), in pdf: URL
-- English translation of the hieroglyphic text by Samuel Birch, Decree of
Canopus, in: S. Birch (ed.), Records of the past: being English
translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian monuments, vol. VIII, London,
1876, pp. 81-90 - pdf-file: 430 KB: URL, URL
-- French translation of the hieroglyphic text (Tanis version) by François
Chabas, Le decret de Canope, in: François Chabas, Oeuvres diverses, vol. 5,
Paris, 1909, pp. 488-495: URL
-- German translation of the hieroglyphic text by Günther Roeder, Die
ägyptische Religion in Texten und Bildern, vol. III: Kulte und Orakel im
alten Ägypten, Zürich, 1960, pp. 142-166
-- Transcription and English translation of the Demotic text (Tanis and Kom
el-Hisn versions) by R.S. Simpson, Demotic Grammar in the Ptolemaic
Sacerdotal Decrees, Oxford, 1996, pp. 224-241
-- French translation of the first 20 lines of the Greek text (Tanis
version) by Carl Wescher, Texte grec de l'inscription de Tanis (1er
article), in: Revue archéologique, Nouvelle série, vol. XIV (1864),
pp. 49-55 (1866) [all published]: URL
-- Greek text and French translation of the Kom el-Hisn version by
E. Miller, Découverte d'un nouvel exemplaire du décret de Canope, in:
Journal des savants, pp. 214-229 (1883) [photographic pl. of the Greek text
between pp. 240-241]: URL
c) Stela from Cairo (Louvre C 122)
-- Étienne Bernand, Inscriptions grecques d'Égypte et de Nubie au Musée du
Louvre, Paris, 1992, pp. 5-7, pls. 1-3
d) Stela from Karnak
-- Set up in front of the third pylon at Karnak; unpublished
e) Fragment from el-Kab (Cairo Museum, temporary no. 17/3/46/1)
-- Fragment with a few lines, in Greek and hieroglyphs: A. Bayoumi, O. Guéraud,
Un nouvel exemplaire du décret de Canope, in: ASAE, vol. 46, pp. 373-382 (1947)
f) Fragment from Tell Basta (Port Said Museum, no. 493)
-- Fragment with 8 lines of hieroglyphic text: Serge Sauneron, Un cinquième
exemplaire du décret de Canope: la stèle de Boubastis, in: BIFAO, vol. 56,
pp. 67-75, (1957) - pdf-file: 0.9 MB: URL
g) Another fragment from Tell Basta
-- Report of a recent find (2004) in Tell Basta: URL
h) Basic book on the theme:
-- Stefan Pfeiffer, Das Dekret von Kanopos (238 v. Chr.). Kommentar und
historische Auswertung eines dreisprachigen Synodaldekretes der ägyptischen
Priester zu Ehren Ptolemaios III. und seiner Familie, Archiv für
Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete, Supplement 18, München, 2004
The Decree of Memphis (27/7/12)
date: reign of Ptolemy V Epiphanes, 196 BC
a) The Rosetta Stone (BM EA 24) [R]
-- LÄ V, 310-311, s.v. "Rosette, Stein von"
-- BM fact sheet with photos: URL
-- Photograph (2.5 MB): URL
-- Hierolyphic text based on R, N and PI [see below], transcription of the
Demotic text and the Greek test in (pdf-file): Urk. II, 166-198: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text (by Jim Loy, typeset according to the original) (162 KB): URL
-- Transcription and English translation of the Demotic text by R.S. Simpson,
Demotic Grammar in the Ptolemaic Sacerdotal Decrees, Oxford, 1996, pp. 258-271: URL
-- French translation of the Demotic text by Didier Devauchelle,
La pierre de Rosette, Paris / Figeac, 2003, pp. 37-60
-- English translation of the Greek Section (unknown source): URL
-- Greek text, and older (19th c.) French, German and English translations of
the hieroglyphic, Demotic, and Greek texts, in: E. A. Wallis Budge, The Decrees of Memphis
and Canopus, vol. II, London, 1904: URL
-- German translation (of a BM English translation): URL
-- German translation by Ursula Kaplony-Heckel in: TUAT I, 236-246
-- French translation of the hieroglyphic and Greek text in parallel by
François Chabas, Oeuvres diverses, tome 3, Paris, 1903, pp. 95-202, 2 pls.
[between pp. 168-169], one plate is showing the hieroglyphic part only;
there is also a glossary, pp. 181-202 - [originally published 1867]: URL
-- Greek text and French translation by Jean Antonine Letronne, Oeuvres
choisies, tome 2, Paris, 1881, pp. 255-360: URL
-- English translation of the Greek text by S. Birch from the French version
by Letronne, in: S. Birch (ed.), Records of the past: being English
translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian monuments, vol. IV, London,
[1875], pp. 69-78 - pdf-file: 380 KB: URL
Historical notes
-- First notes about the discovery of the Rosetta Stone in: Courier de
l'Égypte, No. 37, 29 fructidor, an VII [September 15, 1799], pp. 3-4 and La
Decade egyptienne, vol. III, pp. 293-294 (an VIII [= 1799-1800]) - French
texts and English translation: URL
See also: La Decade egyptienne, vol. III: URL
-- Drawing of the Rosetta Stone in: Description de l'Égypte, Planches, vol. V:
Antiquités, Paris, 1822, pls. 52-54 [please note that this vol. was published
in the year of decipherment only!]
pl. 52 - hieroglyphic text: URL
pl. 53 - Demotic text: URL
pl. 54 - Greek text: URL
-- Explanation of the Rosetta Stone in: Description de l'Égypte, Texte, 2nd
ed., vol. 10: Explication des planches d'antiquités, Paris, 1823, pp. 547-550: URL
-- Notes on the Demotic inscription in: Description de l'Égypte, Texte, 2nd
ed., vol. 9: Antiquités. Mémoires et descriptions, Paris, 1829, pp. 569-574
[relating to 16 pls. of the "inscription intermédiare" (= demotic
inscription) which are not in the 2nd ed.; however there is a plate of
demotic signs - "Alphabet de l'inscription intermédiaire" - between pp. 574-575]: URL
-- Cleaning of the Stone several years ago: URL
b) Fragment from Elephantine (Louvre AF 10006) [E]
11 lines of Demotic text
-- Didier Devauchelle, Fragments de décrets ptolémaïques en langue égyptienne conservés
au Musée du Louvre, in: RdE, vol. 37, pp. 45-51 (1986), especially pp. 46-47
c) Stela from el-Nobaira (CG 22188) [N]
31 lines of the hieroglyphic text
-- Auguste Baillet, Le décret de Memphis et les inscriptions de Rosette et
Damanhour, Orléans, 1888
d) Stela from Nub Taha (Musée Gréco-romain, Alexandria, inv. no. 21352)
the beginning of the Greek version, lines 1-11, 14-17 of the Rosetta Stone
-- P. M. Fraser, An Unpublished Fragment of the Memphian Decree of 196 BC,
in: Bulletin de la Société Archéologique d'Alexandrie, no. 41, pp. 57-62
(1956); summary in: JEA, vol. 43, p. 102 (1957)
e) Further fragments from Elephantine (Louvre E 12677 and Louvre AF 10007)
* Louvre E 12677: ends of the last 4 lines of the hieroglyphic version
-- Didier Devauchelle, Fragments de décrets ptolémaïques en langue
égyptienne conservés au Musée du Louvre, in: RdE, vol. 37, pp. 45-51 (1986),
especially pp. 45-46
* Louvre AF 10007: parts of 19 lines of the Greek version
-- Étienne Bernand, Inscriptions grecques d'Égypte et de Nubie au Musée du
Louvre, Paris, 1992, pp. 17-21
f) The "First" Decree of Philae [PI]
Some sections are closely related to the Memphis Decree and were used to
reconstruct the hieroglyphic text in the Sethe, Urk. II edition [see above],
though it is a different decree.
-- Drawing of the hieroglyphic text in: LD IV, 20: URL
g) Books on the theme
-- Wilhelm Spiegelberg, Der demotische Text der Priesterdekrete von Kanopus und Memphis
(Rosettana) mit den hieroglyphischen und griechischen Fassungen und deutscher Übersetzung
nebst demotischem Glossar, Heidelberg, 1922 - reprinted 1990
-- Stephen Quirke, Carol Andrews, The Rosetta Stone. Facsimile Drawing with
an Introduction and Translations, New York, 1988 - includes a facsimile of
original size and translations of the hieroglyphic, Demotic and Greek texts
The Graffito of Esmet-Akhom (Philae 436) (8/4/17)
The latest presently known hieroglyphic inscription
date: Birthday of Osiris, year 110 [of Diocletian] = August 24, 394 AD
-- Drawing of a figure in relief of Mandulis and the hieroglyphic inscription
without the Demotic inscription in: LD IV, 87f: URL
-- Drawing of the Demotic inscription only in: LD VI, 40, no. 24: URL
-- Drawing in: F. Ll. Griffith, Catalogue of the Demotic Graffiti of the
Dodecaschoenus, vol. II: Plates, Oxford, 1935, pl. LXIX (270 KB): URL
-- Transcription of the Hieroglyphic and Demotic text by Richard Holton Pierce
in: Tormod Eide, Tomas Hägg, Richard Holton Pierce, László Török (eds.),
Fontes historiae Nubiorum. Textual Sources for the History of the Middle Nile Region
between the Eighth Century BC and the Sixth Century AD, vol. III, Bergen, 1998, pp. 1121-1123
-- Hieroglyphic text in WinGlyph notation, transcription, English translation (by Griffith)
and commentary in a posting of Michael Tilgner to AEL on May 17, 1998: URL (PDF file)
Added to this post: A photograph of the hieroglyphic inscription & A drawing of the hieroglyphic
text from: F. Ll. Griffith, Catalogue of the Demotic Graffiti of the Dodecaschoenus,
vol. I: Text, Oxford, 1935, p. 126.
-- Photograph and German translation by Günther Hölbl, Altägypten im Römischen Reich.
Der römische Pharao und seine Tempel, vol. I, Mainz, 2000, p. 46 (fig. 36)